Meet woman, don’t be weird.
Gradually build a loving, trusting relationship.
She has to get surgery and she’ll be bed-bound while she recovers.
“Will you take care of me, Anon?”
Lord of the Rings marathon. The director’s cuts. She can’t run.
Return of the King was the first and only movie I’ve seen that had an intermission. Keep in mind this was only the theatrical version!
Then go see 2001 A Space Odyssey. Wait until the IMAX release comes around.
That movie is like taking 500 quaaluds
But what an intermission!
The long setup. “Babe, you agreed to stay in sickness and in health. This is my sickness.”
Narrator: But she didn’t stay.
Amateur. You set this up ahead of time.
When you’re torrenting and you’re planning to watch with someone else, you decide what you’re watching at least eight hours in advance, preferably a day. Radarr can’t find stuff instantaneously, assuming the automated search finds it at all, and torrents can take hours to finish, plus leaving time to resolve technical mishaps with your *arr stack, like the VPN being dead. If you and the person you wanna watch with aren’t going to be in the same room, you’ll have to set aside even longer in order to transcode it into a format a browser can play at a bitrate that’s low enough to stream, and load it into your HTTP server so that Cytube can play it. Ideally you’d block out some time to test and troubleshoot Cytube too.
Anon should just get Popcornflix. Or torrent ahead of time.
Yeah my ex wife initially made fun of my server with my Plex media on it…
Guess what she wanted after our divorce? That’s right Plex.
If she scoffs at your media setup she’s wrong for you.
torrent ahead of time?
anon is a dumbfuck.
You can also press one button to configure a torrent to download first and last, allowing you to play a video while it streams in.
Anon can’t even torrent right, she just got scared that he’d be too stupid to put on the condom right.
This is why you have a server running jellyfin qbittorent, Jackett, sonarr, radarr, all behind a good VPN.
Anon is obviously a noob and deserves the walkout.
Jellyfin > plex?
FOSS always > everything else.