Using Mullvad on Linux Mint, I see a number of settings and have no idea what they are for. DAITA, Multihop, Local Network Sharing, API Access. I would like to keep Mullvad VPN on all the time, but still be able to use Freetube and Grayjay. Also not break too many websites, although that seems to be more of a Librewolf setting issue. Can anyone recommend settings for Mullvad that I should be using?
mullvads clients just seem bad. every time i wake my pc from sleep, cpu usage and temps go high for a good 20 seconds and the app is frozen. it constantly crashes in my phone too, and it wouldn’t work in UK at all for some reason. thinking lf switching to airvpn anyway because of portforwarding.
Its always worked fine for me on iOS, GrapheneOS, macOS, and Windows. For some reason tho, Mint is the only place I’ve had trouble with it. 🤷
weirdly your bug doesn’t occur on my pc, also mint. but i recall some setting causing my phone to not be able to reconnect, probably quantum-resistant tunnel. does it fix if you set that to automatic or off?
I have that set to automatic on my Grapheme device. Presumably my other devices too, but I don’t have access to those atm.
IVPN perhaps?
too expensive. I’m broke as shit