I’m talking about this sort of thing. Like clearly I wouldn’t want someone to see that on my phone in the office or when I’m sat on a bus.
However there seems be a lot of these that aren’t filtered out by nsfw settings, when a similar picture of a woman would be, so it seems this is a deliberate feature I might not be understanding.
I think this is a good conversion to have. I enjoy images of women, but everyone doesn’t. I also don’t feel it’s fair to compare these images to porn and play morality police.
It makes sense to break NSFW into a handful of tags and allow more granular control. The problem historically was that the number of tags kept growing and became hard to classify.
The number of tags wouldn’t be much of an issue, but then it comes down to the OP to tag appropriately. Even with generic NSFW filter turned on, I still occasionally see genitals in my feed.
We could allow users to tag, but I see brigading and other abuses possible here. Appointing power users also might work, but that has its own list of issues. That also would mean that all this information would need to synch with the post.
I vote for “NEP” to be the tag in between SFW and NSFW. It stands for “Not Exactly Porn”
It’s for things you could still get off to and would likely get you in trouble at work, but hopefully wouldn’t get you fired