Meme in a format “chads vs soyaks”:
Chads - Polish idioms
- Whore will not rip off head off of a whore
- You ask a boar if they shits in the woods
- Flies are pooping, spring is coming
- Grandma’s shitting has ended
Soyaks - English Idioms
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- In the eyeof the beholder (with image of soyakish dnd beholder)
- Once in a blue moon
- Elehant in the room (image of soyak elephant)
Hungarian idioms:
“Szüljél sünt!” / “Go and give birth to a hedgehog!”
“Ez még a kutyának se kell.” / “Not even the dog wants this.”
“Az isten bassza meg!” / “God, fuck it!”
Don’t sugarcoat it. That is originaly “szarjál sünt”, meaning shit out a hedgehog…
And if you want something more disturbing, how about “kutyából nem lesz szalonna!” (You can’t make bacon out of a dog). Or “itt a tavasz, dagad a fasz” (spring time is here, the dicks are swollen). “terhesen nem vág orrba a lengő ajtó” (the door wont slam in your face if you are pregnant).