Doctor is unqualified. I want expensive pills with unknown side effects for the rest of my life.
Whose lifestyle, Doc? Are you going to tell them for me?
I went in to the doctor’s a year or so ago and one of the things I brought up was foot pain. They looked at my 6in heels and gave me a look, didn’t even have to say anything. I wear heels less often than I want to now 😔 but the pain is gone at least
I want to solve all my problems without changing anything
Get a new doctor. Eventually you will get someone who will say what you want to hear.
doctors are way to overbooked and overworked. people being offended by actual solutions really doesn’t help.
can we have some other guy where these people can go to, to relax the system?
just some dude who tells them: hell yeah sis! its ok, eat yourself to death! here take some drugs so you dont notice your problems anymore, bye
you don’t need a highly trained professional for that. cheap solution