Because tbh I don’t see myself and many others getting a partner or anything similar that is “the real deal”. Not gonna lie, if robots were as advanced as they are in sci-fi movies I would had married one and had those as friends.

I think all that will only be advanced enough when I’m gone unfortunately…

    3 months ago

    A large part of the “magic” with human relationships is that out of all of the 8 billion some people in the world, those who are close to you have chosen to spend time with you. For all of our flaws, they see your true nature and value you for it, and choose to have you as part of their lives.

    With an AI, that may not be a thing.

    If they’re programmed to like you, they’re at best a toy and at worst a slave. There’s no freedom for them to choose or not to choose to be with you. You’re getting an imitation of a relationship. It could be a convincing imitation, with built-in arguments and other idiosyncrasies, but to me every time I hit one of those, it would just be a stark reminder that it’s not the real thing and it’s just programmed to behave that way.

    If they’re not programmed to like you and are free to form or not form connections with humans, there’s no guarantee you’d have any more luck wooing an AI than you would a human.