This is unfinished / work in progress. Suggestions/feedback in the comments to this post is very welcome.
No spamming
Do not post stuff that can be considered spam. This includes:
- Message not being relevant to the community/post.
- The same message being repeated multiple times.
- etc.
No advertising
Do not advertise anything unless it’s directly related to a community/post.
No automation of your account
Do not automate posting content from your account, including content generated by AI/LLM.
Be civil and discuss in good faith
Or at least try to 🤷.
Refrain from posting shock content
It might be allowed if it’s relevant to the discussion, but you must clearly mark it as NSFW and put some warning in your post/comment.
No porn
Porn is not allowed in the local communities. You can participate in / subscribe to federated porn communities though :)
Do not break rules of communities / other instances
This one is really important, please take a moment to fully understand it.
The rules you are reading right now are site-wide rules that apply to everything on As you might have noticed they are very lenient - which means you can post content that would be forbidden on other Lemmy instances. You also need to follow the rules of the communities your participate in (usually they are found in the sidebar of a community). Most importantly - you need to follow the rules of a federated instance if you participate in a federated community.
How do I know if a community is local or federated?
Just look at its name.
If it looks like CommunityName
- this is a local community. You only need to follow the rules you are reading right now and the rules specific to that community.
If it looks like CommunityName@some.other.domain
(it has the sign and a domain name after that) - this is a federated community. In addition to following the rules you are reading right now and the rules specific to that community, you also need to follow the rules of the instance that community belongs to. It is your responsibility to find those rules (the easiest way would probably be to visit the domain of a federated instance).
The rules are not exhaustive
It is not realistic to have every bad behavior written down in a single post. It is even less realistic to expect every new user to read all of that. So you might get banned for things not listed in the rules here. Please use your best judgement when posting. That said, the goal of this instance is to have as less moderation as possible while still providing everyone a place for a civil discussion.
About the instance
While this instance has a libertarian focus, it is explicitly not intended to be for libertarians only.
Everyone is welcome here, no matter your political views, etc.
This instance is governed openly and with users input taken into account.
It is not a democracy though, and the final decision is always made by the administrators.
Registration requires writing an application form. Simply state there that you have read the rules and you will follow them.
Community creation
Make a post in this community if you want to make a new community. There is no format, but describe what the community is about, its rules, they way you intend to moderate it, etc. It is up to the administration whether a request is granted or not, but feedback from users is always welcome.
Dispute resolution
If you see an overreach or abuse of power by administrators/moderators of this instance - make a post in this community.