The rumor of Rasputin and the Russian Queen is much much older than the song though.
I don’t think it was ever confirmed either. Tzar Nicholas did often leave to WW1 front to inspect troops (and other kingly duties), so it’s just Rasputin and the Queen left in Moscow…
It might be bullshit. It might not be. But Rasputin’s family line were dealing with said rumors for a century or more.
The Rasputin story is intrinsically tied to the Anastasia story and both are based of off revolutionary narratives following the Russian civil war.
Edit: Meant to say that because the Russian revolution was so propagandized, most of the info people believe about it is bullshit.
Anastasia survived as an amnesiac who was taught by a con-man to act like a Princess again but then slowly regains her memories before shattering the phylactery of Rasputin because Rasputin’s incompetent bat familiar couldn’t catch it.
You know. Once upon a deceeeeeeeemmmmmbeeeerrrrrrrrr!
This is Bartok slander and I will not stand for it!
It sounds like the kind of rumor that Rasputin would spread about himself.
He was Russia’s greatest love machine.
A cat that really was gone.
4 of his great grandchildren are still around. One came forward publicly, not the rest as they mostly stay hidden since it was still taboo to admit who their great grandfather was until somewhat recently.
President John Tyler has grandchildren that are still alive. Tyler died before Rasputin was born.
Died in 1862 for those who are wondering, his grandson was born in 1928, 138 years after the birth of his grandfather.
I’m having trouble with the timeline. How old was he? And how old was the son or daughter when the grandchild was born?
Full disclosure I didn’t check anything I just found it online after about two seconds of looking.
Wow. Those guys were having kids as senior citizens.
WTF in a decade of sitting through Pointless only because it’s on at dinner time, how have I never heard Xander mention John Tyler?!?
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