This was great, thanks!
This was great, thanks!
And one with salicylic acid will help with ingrowns
I, too, sort by “New” and found/commented on the newer duplicate of this post:
It’s been deleted, probably because it was down-voted to oblivion.
Ironically, I had suggested waiting before posting to a different community. And only if the OC didn’t get enough traction.
^ this, OP
Choose one community. If it doesn’t get a lot of traction, then try another community.
Posting to several communities at the same time is spammy.
Radiohead - OK Computer
On the surface, success appears to happen overnight. In reality, it’s a lot of long, thankless hours. That’s why big success is rare, and can feel serendipitous at times.
It’s also okay to try really hard and then change your mind, or feel disappointed if it doesn’t work out ❤️
I also love black licorice. Did we just become best friends?
Thank you for saying this 💔
Same for me, but 13 years. No one mentions the shame and isolation. I felt like a disease that no one wanted to be around.
If I ran into any old colleagues, it was clear they pitied me. The ones that did stay in contact just wanted the “gossip” (there was none), or wanted confirmation that I was somehow to blame so they could be comforted in knowing it won’t happen to them.
I “didn’t do anything to deserve this”, but it’s hard not to take it personally. The ruminating – trying to understand “why me, and not someone else” – hasn’t stopped.
The betrayal and shame is overwhelming.
I don’t subscribe to enough communities (yet) to have the luxury of sorting by anything other than “new”, or else I’ll run out of content
And/or it was messy
And thieves will steal from anyone, even the poor. It’s not like a clan of Robinhoods.
Yep, a “cost of living” raise is not a “raise”. I’m just making the same amount in today’s dollars.
Good point. It does read like a liability disclaimer.
I’ve noticed that Google doesn’t always get the speed limit correct on more rural roads.
Or it can’t tell if a temporary, lowered speed sign has been posted in a construction zone, for example.