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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • The main argument is that the means dictates the ends, so if we want a non violent (and non opressing) society, punching people won’t help.

    And this failed logic is exactly why we are where we at right now, on the brink of the Fourth Reich rising across the US and Europe.

    Because tolerant people have forgotten the most important thing about a tolerant society.

    That it must be rigorously and viciously defended from those who seek to exploit the social contract to elevate their attacks on it, and it requires far more than words and wind to achieve that… again, as evidence of where we are now as a society. Because their ultimate goal is to undo the society we love, and replace it with oppression, fear, and hatred.

  • Getting people to agree to a mistaken, misinformed premise does not mean you are right.

    Lest you also believe the world is a flat pancake and other various nuttery.

    Also, you clearly know what the difference is, since your list of examples is nothing but social media.

    Again. Stop trying to make everything social media. You have all the social media you need to fuel your need for attention, as is. You don’t need to make non-social media into more of it.

  • Engaging with people does not make it a social media platform.

    A bathroom wall covered in graffiti messages is not social media.

    an email is not social media.

    text messages are not social media.

    a brick with “Fuck You” written on it, thrown through a window, is not social media.

    A restaurant you go to with friends is not social media.

    A webforum is not social media.

    IMs are not social media.

    Just because you socialize on/in/at something, does not magically make it social media… Because Social Media is a very specific type of thing.

    Stop trying to make everything into freaking facebook.

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldChronic pain mood
    2 months ago

    They wanted to insist it was panic attacks for a long time, but that kinda died off after they tried twice to give me a big ol’ dose of ativan with absolutely zero effect (Other than me experiencing a moment of pure, drug induced happiness, of course)

    They tried to blame caffeine, too. Telling them I hadnt had caffeine in 10 years visibly took the wind out of the sails on that, too.

    Current theories are that I somehow accidentally offended some elder god, or that I earned a witches ire in a past life

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldChronic pain mood
    2 months ago

    Chronic Chest pains here and heart rate issues.

    Every day, multiple times a day, I clutch my chest and gasp for breath/double over.

    Its become such a common occurence I dont even have the “OH MY GOD IS THIS IT” response anymore.

    I usually just angrily scream “god DAMNIT” through gritted teeth as my heart rate goes through the roof for the next 10 minutes to 7 hours.

    Took me laying in the ER hooked up to a heart monitor and having one infront of a nurse that I was even remotely taken seriously, and even then it was just a "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, okay take these beta blockers, bye "

    when i asked what it was, they just shruged and said “its normal, weird you act like it hurts so much, but oh well”

    20+ years later, i still got it, and it gets worse every passing year. yet i’m in perfect health according to the doctors and tests

  • my response to that would be “Well then you better go take it up with god, because the bitch done fucked up then, cause I’m in fucking agony every waking moment of every day, and just cause I mask well doesnt mean entitled cunts like you can come up and question me as if you are some appointed arbitrator on the matter”

  • I think the immediate deaths would all be from people who need electricity to run medical devices.

    Followed shortly by people who require refrigerated medication.

    Followed by elderly who die from exposure to extreme, unconditioned temperatures.

    and that would be in the first, oh, say… week or two.

    Then, with fridges full of rotted food, your first major death wave will occur as masses of people lose their absolute goddamn minds in panic and fear and start food riots/try to rob from others/raid big industrial farms/neighborhood gardens/etc, which leads to mass deaths from starvation, exposure, exertion, desperation, and gunshot.

    Which will even out after about a week or two.

    Then you settle in for the slow burn. 3 months out you’ll have another, comparatively small wave of deaths from people who run out of non-refridgeration requiring medications.

    Then another slow burn until manufactured canned goods run out in stores and scavanged homes until a wave of starvation.

    All in all, I’d say you’d probably be over the bulk of the mass deaths after 6 months, and with a significantly reduced population… Which will be to the benefit of the survivors, since less people per mile will make farming/hunting easier, and life safer… because while raiders/thieves will always be a overarching concern and safety issue, at this point, most of the desperation should have passed along with most of the desperate.

    There will also be, for at least a generation, possibly two, the lingering unspoken understanding that more people than anyone would ever care to count only survived the famines and fall by eating the long pig.