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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Do you not spend at least half of every day being angry about how much capitalism sucks? Filthy shitlib, you’re no better than a right winger /s

    It’s no wonder the right is on the rise all around the world, they don’t have “purity tests” the way a lot of left wingers do. They don’t give a shit, if you support the cause then you’re one of them.

    But the left? “Oh you don’t 100% support everything I want? Guess I’ll just not vote because both sides are just as shitty”

    To clarify, I’m an NDP voter which is the left most party in Canada.

  • I like to listen to music or books while I work, and I have to drive a work vehicle a few times a day, and a big forklift to do my job. Both have a radio built in but no easy way to connect my phone to listen to my own stuff. I eventually found that I actually enjoy listening to the radio, especially the local news updates.

    Once I realised that, I thought “oh god I’m turning into my dad”

    I’m 30 and haven’t liked the radio since I was around 10 (aka when I got my first CD played)

  • I’ve experienced -50c where I live, it’s typically only for a few days per winter but those days are absolutely terrible. It literally hurts to breathe when you’re outside and you can feel your nose freezing up, and your eyelashes freeze shut if you blink too long or too much.

    Even a quick 5 minute walk is excruciating. It’s always a good reminder of my mortality to be outside in that weather, being locked out of warmth would be a quick death sentence.