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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Edit: if you are going to downvote at least explain if you got a counter point, otherwise it seems y’all just butthurt haha


    How is this different from US ISP bootstrapping peasant grade internet?

    1. Whatabout-ism is annoying AF.
    2. How is nationwide re-configuring of DNS to enable censorship different than “bootstrapping peasant grade internet” is a dumb question on it’s face.
    3. I’m sitting in the middle of Wyoming sending this comment via a 2Gb/s fiber optic connection. This is not “peasant grade”.

    So basically you are getting downvoted because your comment is irrelevant 'Murica bashing.

    Now you know.

  • Russia may not have

    Russia is NOT the only problem, they aren’t even the main problem. There’s quite a number of issues where the mainstream media discourse depends almost entirely on whose in office. As an example take a look at crime statistics since 1991 and then align the media coverage about crime with whose in charge at the time. Immigration is another one. 2,000 people or more crossing the border every day may or may not be a crisis depending on which political party is in charge.

    Those and other issues aren’t being manipulated, at least not primarily, by Russia Propaganda. That work is being done by mainstream media sources and the only way to know you’re being manipulated into an opinion is by putting in the work to learn the context and history of an issue.

    It’s a massive time suck that can require hours, days, or even weeks to get a deep enough understanding to know you’re being lied to and / or manipulated.

  • Like, bruh, I’m a dude, but I’d rather see a bear than another man if I was on a solo backpacking trip.

    I think you may have a skewed perception of the risks, at least where I live. As someone who is out in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains on a frequent basis I’d much rather wander into another man than a bear. Here in Wyoming Brown Bears, aka Grizzlies, are now mauling or killing multiple people per year during wilderness encounters however I haven’t heard of a single random wilderness encounter where a man attacked or killed someone in at least a decade.

    If you are hiking somewhere that only has Black Bears than yeah you are statistically safer with the Bear. If you hike here though you are statistically safer with the man.