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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Very weird. Maybe its the client. Can’t see it in the browser either

    Ah, I see whats happened, you didnt put anything in the square brackets:


    should be:

    [Cool Tutorial](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/shell-scripting-crash-course-how-to-write-bash-scripts-in-linux/)

    resulting in:

    Cool Tutorial

  • The DNS risk is not mitigated by a VPN, just shifted.Your VPN has full ability to log your connection if they wish. You have to decide who you trust more. Bear in mind that depending on your location, your ISP may be more legally restricted from snooping on you than a VPN hosted in another country (I know nothing about the US laws, further research would be required).

    Also, unless you are using one of the encrypted DNS variants, just changing your DNS provider does nothing, as the ISP or VPN can snoop the unencrypted traffic regardless of its destination.