• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • As others have stated, you want to contact your local co-op extension if you’re in the states.


    The Cooperative Extension System is a non-formal educational program implemented in the United States designed to help people use research-based knowledge to improve their lives. The service is provided by the state’s designated land-grant universities. In most states, the educational offerings are in the areas of agriculture and food, home and family, environment, community economic development, and youth and 4-H. (wiki)

    They’ll have free soil sample kits, articles and programs/classes for local agriculture, etc etc.

    Anything else will be pirated, shitty ad filled ai knockoff apps, or finding a forum of like minded individuals you can ask. There are plenty of resources out there but a “one stop shop” I haven’t found. The problem stems probably from location, information is vast and mostly irrelevant if you’re not in the same growing zones. The local co-ops will have individuals, employees, and articles posted up, they’re really helpful when it comes to reaching out to them in my experience.

  • jesus, I was hoping for some well thought-out brilliantly hidden metaphor that would help illuminate others understanding of something. This story is just pure bull-shit like an elon musk fanboy literature night.

    • The villagers don’t know or can’t see the smoke from the fire but must “trust the king” (not how wildfires work, you’ve made a boogeyman).

    • No one but the kings soldiers are “solving” the problem? Bullshit, it would take the entire kingdom of support to save it.

    • A few villagers will die from the fire the kingdom sets, but it’s necessary for the greater good. WTF kinda dystopian bullshit is this? There’s no way to inform your citizens of the impending doom?!?

    • “he’d be damned if he was gonna sit on his throne and watch the fire swallow up his whole kingdom”. Maybe that’s the problem with your entire story. Person is ruling from the throne and not trusted or respected by his community enough to care about a problem they’re being presented. The people wouldn’t trust his actions because there will be no compensation or reflection for his decisions that effect their life, “well it was for the greater good, so be happy peasant”.

  • I always thought the “see something, say something” tag-line was creepy as fuck and don’t understand why everyone doesn’t get the same vibe. It’s common sense that if you see someone being harmed or in a harmful situation you speak up. But this is just a blanket “see something” which feels like a dog whistle for all the nosy and paranoid people to spy on everyone and it’s for the best. I guess we’ll have the same personalities in search algorithms going forward -_-

  • Yeah, but it’s not Youtube making the content I guess is my problem. Everyone is mostly here because of all the Reddit crap, doing the EXACT same thing google did to videos with youtube. No one here is completely fine with a "Reddit Premium Account!"tm I patron a few creators so I help with what I can, I will not join the youtube “member” additional fee. I also have been trying to branch out to creators that upload to multiple sites, it can be a little bit of a pain like figuring out Lemmy and how everything works but obviously it’s better than sticking with a company gouging and controlling content on their platform for profit.

  • Those sponsor spots absolutely blow my mind. They’re there, forever in the video no matter how times it’s viewed. That’s a lot of trust to have in an advertising relationship, both the creator (who is basically tattooing a person in a portrait they’re painting with an ad) and company have to determine if it’s enough compensation based on… feels I guess lol. I’m pretty sure there is some after data but how do you know which videos take off or not? Then if there’s any controversy, whole things a mess and I hope they get a lot for it.