My favorite passage: “…”
My favorite passage: “…”
The 1812 Overture to braille
Girl, just drop your eggs in the current, and I’ll disperse my spermatozoa all over 'em!
Gimme da cash!
“Say no to non-euclidian spaces!”
That’s what’s up, Doc.
Gonna go with the floor. It really ties the whole room together.
“I swallowed the knife…”
“According to my calculations, we’ll just have to wait here, oh… about six years.”
I’m sad nobody has mentioned Chrono Trigger…
Magic the Gathering.
I played religiously in high school. Competed in tournaments every weekend. But around Stronghold, they just started churning out expansion after expansion after expansion, and even placing high in most tournaments, i just couldn’t keep up with the older guys that had incomes. So, i quit.
When Commander came out, i tried to play again, but it just felt different. It was more about who had the coolest mat, or who had the newest combo. It felt monetized, and i didn’t like it. The final straw for me was when i found out they did a promo expansion with My Little Pony… If you like MLP, cool. More power to you. But i HATE MLP with a rage that could scour all life from existence. My little sister was obsessed, and that meant it was in my face for a decade at least. Can’t stand that shit, and wizards going cash grab during the height of the bronie movement just killed the last of my good will.
Shit, musta been the psilocybin that threw me off.
That took you quite a while to dig thru my comments, just to turn up diddly, didn’t it? You must feel so accomplished!
I’d love to say i enjoyed your stellar company, but I’m not a liar. Enjoy pissing into the wind. Blocked.
“You should ask for a refund.”
So, no source, beyond your rectal cavity. Carry on.
To quote Al Swearengen: “I like that fucking darjeeling black. Oops.”