Dual-casting 2nd tier lightning could stun-lock Alduin!
Dual-casting 2nd tier lightning could stun-lock Alduin!
The last few Amber alerts I’ve gotten required an app Formerly known as Twitter account to get any additional details…
Hey, that Tardigrade is doing his best, okay!
So I guess all of those unsupervised PPP loans that were forgiven were a nice feather in the Democratic hat, then, huh?
“Interesting” policies in health and wellness in this context only means that it’s going to get a lot of people killed.
That’s fair.
To that end, they’d have to start banning all the 24-hr talking heads from being able to call themselves news channels and regulate the term.
As it stands there’s no way to flip the counties that that’ll just listen to that drivel all day telling them to vote against their own interests.
It means that votes are diluted such that it’s nearly impossible for the state to turn despite the fact that most of its voters have.
And while, yes that isn’t mutually exclusive to Texas, we weren’t talking about them were we?
It’s just a way to ensure that a sizeable population isn’t adequately represented.
Population density:
Political Leaning
Or, maybe it’s because they’re gerrymander’d to shit?
Tyranny by majority…
Especially when one of the loudest religions actively want to doom the world so that their sky daddy can show everyone else how right they were this whole time…
I’ve been informed by a relative that had partaken in eating one, that the meat of a porcupine is mostly flavorless on its own.