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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • You went off to a different country and things are much different.

    In the US, generally, parents by retirement age have paid for their homes by then, have retired with benefits from their employer that will give them some money every month, have social security that also pays them every month (both of these are taken out of each paycheck throughout their career lives) and don’t have many bills.

    So by the time they’re old, if they were responsible and held ok jobs, they should need money less than you need it. Our US system is basically set up to make you work hard for 40 ish years and then you’re taken care of when you’re old, for the most part. If your parents need money and you have money to give, there’s nothing wrong or against it. It’s still a common thing. But ideally, doing that shouldn’t be needed.

  • Blood is just as bad, but yes, the markup is insane in the US, compared to the machinery and time to collect plasma.

    Blood, for instance gets sold by the red cross to hospitals for around $215 per unit. Hospitals in turn will charge anywhere from $580 to $3,000 for it.

    Also, most blood is used for elective surgeries that are not life critical. Any time you hear about their being a blood shortage that could effect what hospitals can give, what they actually mean is that there’s plenty for emergency and necessary use, but they may have to postpone elective and cosmetic surgeries.

    Obviously, the issue would be solved easily by paying people enough to be worth it to donate. People would be lining up if they got something like $100 to donate a pint. Something that only takes about 30 minutes to do.

  • Xia already gave you the quoted explanation for why you’re wrong, but everyone should watch the movie They Live, at least once. It’s a riot of a movie.

    Fun fact: the Southpark episode “cripple fight” with that long ass fight between Timmy and Jimmy, their fight scene is a near blow for blow reenactment of a fight scene in They Live, between Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David.

  • Notice that your phone is 6 years old, and not one year old. There’s your hiccup.

    Also, I’d rather replace a battery in a 6 year old phone, than put up with it only being at half capacity and being underclocked so it runs like shit.

    Further also, you aren’t quite understanding the issue with the phones. Most phones manufacturers leave some “wiggle room” for their power demand and don’t need a full 3.6v for stability (lithium batts are 3.7v nominal). Apple screwed up their power draw and screwed up their battery manufacturing.