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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • Pandemic.

    Person who I used to consider a friend was relentlessly posting anti-vax and anti-lock down stuff constantly. I would continually refute what he posted, with references and data etc but he wouldn’t listen.

    Highlight was when he posted pictures of an anti lock down protest in “Lisbon” and I went to the lengths of finding the pictures that had been stolen and they were of a dance music festival he attended.

    Even though I cross referenced his own photos with those that had been posted, including one that showed him next to someone who was in on of the pictures from the supposed protest, he still wouldn’t listen to reason.

    He is no longer a friend or even an aquaintence.

  • Actually having to search out specially selected obscure teas, relatively expensive equipment and follow stringent instructions on how to correctly prepare something will put most people off.

    If someone wants to learn to play the guitar you don’t go out and spend 1000s on a top of the range guitar and amp and pay Dave Grohl to give you lessons. You get a beginner level rig and see if you like it first, then graduate onto refining.

  • Decades of economic stagnation and eroded public services have exacerbated long running discontent among less well off people mainly in the north and Midlands who feel left behind by “metropolitan elites” in London and the south.

    Populist figures like Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson have landed on the traditional scapegoat of foreigners and whipped up tensions for years.

    A brown person with obvious mental health issues has committed a horrendous act and these same people have used it as an excuse to loot shops, throw bricks at police and spray paint “p**is go home”. Abetted by news that the prison system is full and they’re releasing prisoners early to help deal with the overcrowding.

    Anti racism protesters then showed up last night in huge numbers and along with a clear police presence and evidence of swift and strict sentences for the few people who have been identified meant that the latest round of pro fascist marches were abandoned and the nazis have gone back to hiding in their caves.