so you agree it was wrong then?
so you agree it was wrong then?
Classic Trumper
That’s your argument? Loser lmfao
Keep posting your lies kiddo
30% of Americans voted for Trump.
That’s not very well liked.
you are lol
you idiots really think what is said is true lmfaoo
cringe 2008 “u mad bro”
eat piss and cry propaganda loser lmfao nobody is buying it look at the comments
It’s absolutely fake you dumb little toad lmfao
I don’t care how you identify you’re a fraud and you’re cooked kiddo
Proof of this at all? None because it is a bonehead concept? Okay cool
It’s not real cause you like it. Lying ass mfer
Loool look at this conservative believing a CEO. His argument “It would be pretty ridiculous for him to lie”
How do you wanna proceed here? Lmfao. Bro you’re cooked
You see internet exodus happen, I think Lemmy makes it easier
Well you killed that CEO. Why are you posting now?
Oh cause innocent until proven guilty so even if I accuse you that doesn’t make it true silly republicunts
She fell over with her husband and people nearby gave her blankets.
Nobody could just fuckin take her to the hospital?
Hahahahaha neither the fuck did you. You think you did but you just consumed the content. If you did I demand the research now and it better be fuckin cited properly. 4 years of it.
It’s a comparison just a comparison it’s really nothing else.
A specific necessity of a metaphor is that the two are not something you should be able to compare. Like time and apples. It isn’t a metaphor if you compare something similar especially if you’re trying to make the argument that the two things you’re comparing are similar, that’s specifically like the opposite of a metaphor
you’re the moron who brought up visas fuck off go grasp straws elsewhere loser
I just got out of a relationship and holy fuck that shit is infuriating. Everyone’s gotta side curious what happened here.
Also are you the horse from Bojack Horseman? I’m literally watching S1E6 right now.