This is perfect on the level of one on one human interactions.
When it comes to movements like fascism it just turns into kill them with kindness while they actually kill you.
This is perfect on the level of one on one human interactions.
When it comes to movements like fascism it just turns into kill them with kindness while they actually kill you.
Content creators are not protected by copyright unless they have anywhere between $50k-300k and months of their time to waste an litigation.
The average cost for a federal copyright case is $278,000. Let’s stop pretending this is for the little guy.
Most importantly you are only looking at the utility of Intellectual property to make money. Art and science exist outside this realm for thousands of years without it.
We are to sacrifice the way science and art have always worked so supposedly content creators can make money. If this is your argument I will have to take a hard pass.
Intellectual property are rights for the rich. A perversion of science and art used to commercialize our culture. Creating artificial scarcity while denying that all science and art are built from copying and iterative development.
We could abolish it completely and it would cause an explosion of creativity and innovation like we have never seen before.
And I will keep pointing out that getting shit done is not fucking shit up and making things worse. That is just making a shitty mess.
I don’t care for the opinions of his supporters mainly because they have no real opinions. One Trumper I ran into today said good thing Drump is a making Federal workers go back to work because they are waiting on their SSD determination.
You can’t make this level of brain dead up.
And let’s get this clear, sending someone back to their “home” country without a plan or an actual home to go to should be a criminal act. These people are often productive members of US society who pay more taxes than Aotus. They already have homes and family in the US.
This is beyond despicable and crosses into the the realm of pure evil.
If you count spreading shit all over the walls getting stuff done then sure. Personally, I think he is just making a smelly mess.
Columbia != Colombia. The real joke though is for those who don’t know the difference.
He has asked to buy it several times, not sure where you have been.
Nice to see that Mush bought influence with Drump. I personally am not going to play the game of talking about them not getting along. These two clowns trying to play good cop bad cop when they are both heels is pretty stupid.
I am sure he is very smart about a lot of things. Unfortunately US politics are not one of those things. I also suspect he is not that good at business considering he just alienated a lot of his customers.
There is a certain logic to this. I tend to agree that I would like to know. I also think I would probably find out I would have to be self sufficient if I truly did not want to give to bad actors.
Whether you agree with my character or not what I said was accurate for any business person/enterprise. It is really not beneficial and increases risk unnecessarily.
No, he should stay out of either side because business is about making money. I don’t want to know what politics you support. I don’t care for politicizing everything. It is a fucking turn off.
You want my money, do your job, sell me your product, give me your service, but don’t talk to me about your hot takes on politics. Also religion as well. I and many many other people don’t want to hear it.
Yes I was stupid to bring up the fact you would have to ignore that for the last fifty years the Republican party has been on the same trajectory. This is in reference to the Southern Strategy and it is the driving force behind their party to this day.
This fucking tard burger says there has been a change in the last ten. That the sides have flipped and now Republicans represent the little guy.
What I said was an obviously sarcastic comment because this foreigner has no fucking clue about what is going on politically in the US.
As I already said. In order to believe what Andy and company have said you would have to ignore the last 50 years of the Republican party and also be lobotomized.
He should have just stayed the fuck out of Americans politics being a provider of a secure service that many Americans of all political persuasions use.
He is an idiot who cost his company business. The only spin is trying to downplay it at this point. The consequences are lost profits.
They are both wrong.
The correct way is to argue passionately that your country has committed the MOST war crimes/genocides/human rights violations. Ya know, bragging rights.
Like I said it is a conversation. It is dynamic and it changes. I explained you have nothing, no need to climb on your high horse and ride off all pissy.
You see you were just wrong from the beginning. I still chose to share my opinions and time with you regardless of your lack of reciprocation.
I do appreciate you.
First and foremost from the start you literally made no sense. That shift nonsense is like an asspie’s fever dream. It may be that you are ESL, or just lack a general grasp on conversation.
Conversations are dynamic and constantly change. The entire time you were stuck at the begining unable to move on or offer actual real opinions. You feigned it is not my argument, but the reality is you just have nothing.
Speaking of Chatgpt perhaps you should use it to help with your responses. Reword everything of course. I would much rather talk with a language model than someone who wants to attempt to argue semantics.
You are one of those people who have nothing to say. An apologist without an opinion who just latches onto whatever comes along. But I think your heart is in the right place. Like I said, I think we probably agree on everything.
Everything except this dumb motherfucker trying to pretend that it is opposite day. God damn the sides have flipped nonsense and now the Republicans are going after big business has to be one of the stupidest takes I have ever heard.
Oh I get it, you just like to keep saying that it’s is not your argument and then you talk about semantics. I will just skip this because you have already said it and it is boring.
I like that you start referencing history yourself though, I appreciate the nod even if it is unintentional.
You remind me of all those sycophants for Drump who are always saying he didn’t mean that or he clarified himself later on. The kind of capitalist bootlicker that pretends to be a communist because it’s edgy. Hey whatever floats your boat I guess.
I think his original statement stands just fine on its own and I think I have made it clear why it is so distasteful.
As someone who was seriously considering signing up for their service seeing them suck up to the right wing is very worrying. I have already left every other social media platform because of their toxic behavior.
At any rate it appears we agree on everything except your obsession with semantics. Stay shifty!
I have already said there was no shift. I will pretend you can follow along. The conservatives have threatened to take away Section 230.
This is because they want social media to stop fact checking and moderating their users so they can spread misinformation aka lies. They don’t want a level playing field. They want to spread misinformation and then control the truth.
So saying they are going to regulate big tech is really just code for threatening them into allowing them to openly lie to people. This is fucking ridiculous.
As typical, conservatives always lean into the small business mantra. That Republicans really care about small business owners whatever the fuck that means. While you won’t discuss the details you are ready to throw some classic Republican propaganda at everyone.
Small business ownership has shrunk dramatically in the last 20 years (oops brought up history) and will continue as the too big to fail billionaires and their megacorps suck up all the capital. You would think that a supposed billionaire who only puts his wealthy friends into power would be a red flag for small business or the little guy.
Not for Sudneo though, he thinks billionaires care about him. He probably thinks Muskrat is worried about his well being and free speech rights. Yeah there is a lot of pretending going on for sure.
I also find it bizarre to say the Democrats need to get rid of their “corporate” support. Apparently they are Dinos because every Democrat must be a left wing liberal socialist. Funny that the Republicans don’t need to do this though. Apparently there are no big corporate Republicans, thank God.
Politics don’t exist just in the moment and I find it disturbing you don’t care about history. Perhaps it is a defense mechanism as the Republican party has been on the same trajectory since Reagan. I guess if I was a conservative trying to rewrite reality I would try to discredit or ignore history as well.
Perhaps this is all driven by the thought that this administration is different. I don’t mean to make fun of people but God damn you would have to be a dumb motherfucker to expect anything different in this administration from last time. Stocks up, regulations down, massive fuckups, and politicize everything. I mean if your kink is being governed by clowns maybe it would be great.
The truth is a hard pill to swallow I guess and you can see why the Republicans have committed to a war on truth. They simply cannot exist without their lies and the gullible people who believe them.
This of course is exacerbated by the truly awful people we have allowed to control the next administration. I am no fan of Democratic people but the garbage that is the apparatus of our AOTUS is without parallel. I mean you basically have to be a rapist to get a spot in his cabinet.
A large portion of a lot of our lives is in the digital world. Having the right to control your software is a no brainer. I am reminded this every time I use my Windows 11 laptop and get interrupted by an ad for Microsoft or some other company whose software I have installed.
It really reminds of those early days on the web where your browser could be hijacked by pop-ups.