• 11 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • I’ll give you the worse ones, primarily to ward you off from them.

    AskReddit - Sometimes you’ll get some thought-provoking questions. But a lot of the time, you’ll find heaps of over redundant questions, all spread by just minutes to hours apart. A lot of questions I’ve noticed recently, are people so quick to karma farm that they’ll misspell their questions and just go for low-hanging fruit kinds. And then there’ll be questions that are sex-driven, ragebaiting and softly bordering around racism/sexism.

    r/TooAfraidToAsk - Another cesspool of questions where people ask WAY too many sex-based ones and stupid plain questions that a simple 5 minute google search would take to answer. People love asking troll bait questions there.

    Quora - It can’t stop nagging you to give them your info if you try reading answers on any question. It’s like AskReddit but 24/7 and the quality is a little above. But more or less, you’ll find yourself in the same jam.

  • Well, as I’ve said, he made that idea up in a time where it made sense and did well for it’s time. But it started to not be a feasible system every turn of the decade and by the time we’ve reached the 2000s, the idea simply isn’t cutting it anymore. Moreso in today’s time.

    A lot of ideas that were made in the early 1900s through the 50s came about in a time where it made sense and did well, least for a while. But many variables since then just diminished it’s use. People aren’t making as much in 40 hours than they should and they aren’t making ends meet in those 5 days. People are expected now to have two jobs, more hours and no time for themselves or anyone around them.

  • It took me 8 full months, of tolerating a tenant’s loud vibrating music before I started calling police. Like, I don’t mind the kind of music where you can faintly hear it because it can be ignored. No, this fucker’s entitlement had the audacity to blare his shit so that not only can you hear it completely but also feel it. It was an absolute violation of the lease agreement to not have sound systems, yet here’s this fucker.

    I call the police on him and they told him to cut it out. I go to my sliding door by the balcony and saw like several people pour out from there. All complaining about how they had to be told to keep the peace because again, entitled assholes be entitled assholes.

    Since then, though, I’ve had to call the police on him again because he would sometimes think he’s crafty by doing that shit during days where management is closed. Like, dude, fuck you and your music.

  • Did you not see the score for my original comment? 43 unanswered downvotes. How can you sit there and tell me that there’s going to be an open and civil discussion that’ll come from with that? I’ve already had a few people throw the stone with their illogical commentary about what I’ve pictured with their frail attempts to defend their favorite browser.

    And I got all of that, just from stating the original comment I said prior to the edit. But the ‘go to hell’ part was not the original comment.

    So before more people jump down my neck about being civil, you ought to know what other people float about that go about antagonizing users or expecting negativity to come their way before they cry out to admins and mods, for something they gaslighted to!

  • Anime - People don’t like you when you’re into the popular ones.

    Video Games - It’s everywhere here. If you’re into AAA games, you’ll never hear the end of it. If you’re into Indie games, then you have to be into games like Hollow Knight, Undertale .etc or you just don’t know indie.

    Metal Music - Fucking hell, you’re always going to be snubbed and looked down upon because you’re not into Death or Black Metal. Doesn’t matter if you’re into Iron Maiden or X Nu Metal band here, but you’re just not metal until you listen to anything Black/Death. Maybe I don’t want to listen to Cookie Monster and Friends.

  • I resonate the same way with Anime fans. I used to have seen many people identify themselves back in the 2000s as ‘Otakus’ and some even wearing the shirts to say so. It got off-putting for a good long while. There are even fans who uncomfortably reveal their favorite characters that all look suggestively underaged or too dolled up which makes associating with them in casual conversation a problem because of the mental gymnastics they’ll go through defending them.

    The anime fandom has a poor track record of just keeping these weirdos out which doesn’t make it good to indulge on the hobby.

  • Everyone’s collections is suddenly worth way more because of the devious amounts of pumping and dumping by heritage auctions and people operating on a pawn broker mindset. That’s who ruined an honest hobby.

    I wanted my collection so that I can have things to turn to and play, but have physical copies of. There were very few times I got games so I could flip them, but only if it meant more money to have on the bargaining table to get what I truly wanted. I’ve gotten a copy of Pokemon Stadium 2 sealed in 2010. I tried selling it for $95, but not sure what the final price of it really went for. Might’ve been a tad lower.

    I mean, that’s just how you did business if it means getting what you want. These days, everyone is constantly flipping and skyrocketing values to unrealistic levels “for fun” or profit than just caring about what they’ve got at all.