Kissinger, while organising the bombing of Cambodia and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, said that if he personally didn’t organise it the alternative (some other psychotic official) would be worse.
Should we give him a pass? Forgive him his crimes against humanity because someone else would be worse? Does that make the systematic murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians palatable?
Ed Balls
That’s such a Kissinger frame of mind.
Order with injustice over justice with chaos (sic).
Come to Ireland, birthplace of y’all, we got all sorts of words for youse.
Last thing I want to do is turn up the volume on my jogging.
Is your friend Biffo the Bear? If so I’d like to complain about the quality of the l 1974 Beano annual.
I don’t actually think there’s a ministry of silly walks. While this piece probably didn’t start out as satire it effectively tickles the same bones.
Living below the local airport’s flight path. The Covid lockdown was just bliss how quiet it was.
Sure it’s fair to have differing opinions of where the best butter comes from but Ireland likely has the oldest.
Dating apps are bit like voting in Northern Ireland in the UK general election. Technically you’re taking part in choosing the next PM but in reality you’re just squinting hard at a small list of munters that’ll do nothing for you.
Definitely. But it does depend on the severity of the trauma. A very strong trauma will be constantly trying to retake control of your bandwidthh.
This is my go to type of therapy. It’s about re-centering your focus so that your mind stops looping back to the trauma./ Where it becomes problematic is then weaning yourself off the game to healthier pursuits.