• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • The percentage of linux users is also great.

    Yes! I don’t feel like a weirdo here for using Linux exclusively on my computers. It’s nice to interact with a community that shares the values which lead each of us to use Linux. But even within that, the users here are not only respectful, but celebrate novice users that use distros like Mint. In my experience, some Linux users can be rude by presenting a sense of superiority for using distros that take lots of technical expertise. Not only does that not seem to be the case on Lemmy, but it’s actually made fun of (I use Arch, btw 😉).

  • That sucks! I got dengue fever once, and it pretty bad. I can’t imagine getting dengue and two others at the same time cause I was just hanging out. And this dude got it in New Hampshire. He wasn’t even in a mosquito paradise like Africa or the Caribbean. This guy got West Nile Virus from a mosquito in New England. Fuckkkkk 😩

    I imagine everyone that’s been around him was feeling odd since it could have happened to them too. Kind of like if I had been stopped at a light right next to a car that got rear-ended and put the driver in the ICU. Also, I know I’d be hypervigilant of any symptoms for like 2-3 weeks, reading all of the early symptoms of each disease the guy got. “Oh no, I think I have EEE/St. Louis Encephalitis/West Nile Virus, too. I’m fucked.”

  • What are things? What is energy? What is my soul? Where did it come from? Is it even in this spacetime, or is the body an avatar and I’m connecting into to it via some process? How was my soul created? Why do I experience rather than my body function solely as a biochemical robot? Where does my soul go when my body dies? Is there an end to eternity? If so, what happens or doesn’t happen? If not, how does change continue? What does my soul do until then? I understand life. I don’t understand experience.

    One time I heard an assumption that every single electron is the same electron in different places and times. I asked a physicist what they thought of that idea. He thought for a moment and responded, “Would it even matter?” Sometimes I imagine that we are all the same person in different bodies living different lives. Every normal person, every genius, philanthropist, every monster, every slave, every billionaire, every dead fetus, every person I’ve dated, my parents,…we’re all the same person living in a different body going through every single experience of life. When I do that, everything seems so simple.

    So would it even matter? Yes, because what if individuality is false? What if we’re all one thing, but the current structure of life doesn’t allow us to experience it as such so we incorrectly think that each individual medium of perception is completely independent? Giving everything to others would be selfish. Working as a team for the benefit of everyone would be the ultimate selfish move. We could stop all competition, treat each other with utmost compassion, and maximize our limited time in each body. But alas, the selfish versions of us are too underdeveloped in that dimension to let that happen just yet. I wonder what it would take for each of us to reach the understanding that we’re all the same soul.

  • When working on long-term goals:

    1. Set a date for completion.
    2. Create a tentative schedule working backwards from that date. Include dates for completing main tasks.
    3. Give extra time in the schedule for minor setbacks between tasks.
    4. Give extra time in the schedule for a potential major setback overall.

    For example, let’s say the goal is to paint a house:

    1. I can say I want it painted in 2 months, so I set it for the date of 9/17/24.

    2. I figure I can paint a room every other day, so since the house has 5 rooms total, I think I can start painting 10 days before on 9/07/24. However, I need to consider that finding and purchasing paint and equipment will take time too. I think about it and consider that paint shopping can take me 2 days since I want to try out several stores, so the newer date is 9/05/24.

    3. Now, I add some room for minor setbacks between each task. Rather than assuming I will paint every other day, I add two days in between. That means starting on 8/30/24. This allows me to take my time with rooms, skip a day if I feel tired, or adjust if I the rooms take longer to paint than I had anticipated for whatever reason. I also increase the time allotted for acquiring materials because so many things can happen: traffic, tired, unhappy with selection, need time to test samples and ask people, etc. Rather than only include 2 days for this, I include a whole week so I can see the paint samples on the walls and see which ones feel the best. We are not starting on 8/23/24.

    4. Lastly, maybe something major could happen, such as getting sick, the store runs out of paint stock, my car breaks down, or I change my mind on one of the paint colors after seeing it up on the wall. I might even realize that I completely overlooked tasks, such as rearranging furniture, painting over errors/accidents, and clean up. I would then add a cushion of 2 weeks to the schedule to allow for that should it happen. So the actual start date is 8/9/24. This is much sooner than if we had gone with the original start date of 9/07/24, almost an entire month!

    With this style of planning, I can take my sweet time, enjoy the process, and not get stressed out if something unexpected comes up. If I finish early, then I have extra time to work on details or enjoy the rest.

  • Thank you! I’m here asking for advice on how to respond to gaslighting, and people are telling me it’s not gaslighting. I don’t have to prove with specific details that it’s gaslighting as if I’m in a fight with them. Yet, when I provide the details anyway, I’m told it is not gaslighting. I’m thinking they’re trolling me by gaslighting me further or theyre just that unhealthy.

    Additionally with this girl, these are only the gaslighting attempts. There have been a few other manipulation tactics used as well. I rather not share them, but they were quite concerning on their own.

    I will absolutely not tolerate any gaslighting, and I gave her the benefit of the doubt twice in 6 weeks just in case I’m wrong anyway. I really rather end it. I just don’t know how to do it without making it a major issue or hinting at blaming her in anyway whatsoever.