Can I at least buy all three apples now or are they still so expensive I need to put one back in the fridge?
Can I at least buy all three apples now or are they still so expensive I need to put one back in the fridge?
I always felt guilty. I think that’s what they are going for. They specifically say “like you” not thank" you! " Somewhere there’s a guy like me who’s struggling to get buy watching a docuseries on bugs just like me and still writing a check to support this local station. I’m such a bum.
This deserves a statement of ⚠️ regarding microwaves. They have huge capacitors and even when unplugged for hours can shock the shit right out of you. Please don’t mess with microwave electronics unless you really know what you are doing.
If you want o go through life being a cheater than you do you.
Is there like a combo package that let’s me subscribe to all of these?
I get that some people are sensitive about this but I can’t imagine posting on forums like this if downvotes bother you or you think about the mean reply you got for more than 3 minutes. That sounds terrible. If that were the case, I think I would only post if I had some really burning question I couldn’t find the answer to. There’s a bunch of lunatics on here and to prove it I’m admittedly one of them. Please don’t pay too much heed to the opinions of random freaks on the internet. Even 50 downvotes doesn’t necessarily mean you are “wrong” here.
Do they do factory tours?
Who’s not using email? I’m green with envy, but I think it’s a ludicrous premise to think not many people are using email.
Not sure why it’s not more popular. I use and donate. I’ve had better performance with this than qbittorrent.
Well shit. This is unforgivable. Loser.
That’s a heavy accusation. The guy loves money, but this seems like a bad move financially for him in the long run. Any data at all to back up this accusation?
Adding this as the second app alrey this year that I’ll install simply based on the name alone (only drams being the other).
Even after this whole ostrich story broke?
True. The masses really would. . I’d prefer to never hear from him again though.
This could be said by a us president today not by accident and probably not even make the news.
Not currently high, but unless maybe your wife is a billionaire or multimillionaire ceo, I can’t really think of any reasons either…
I have no data to support this, but guessing MJ users might even be less likely to do this.
There is very little that they don’t taste good in. They make savory things taste more savory. Eggs are a good start, but chicken dishes, rices bowls, you name it.
“Time is relative”
~Alberto Einstein