Educated guess is every burnt body was killed by IDF and every shot body was killed by Hamas.
It works especially well if the media publishes the lie but not the truth afterwards.
A ceasefire is when Israel commits genocide. A war is when their victims retaliate.
Will Europe stop buying American weapons and develop their own alternatives? Probably not. Again.
Not sure if extremist or average Israeli.
Here is a video of a man trying to rescue the kid killed by the IDF
You can tell Andy is European because he does not understand American politics.
If you say anything positive about an American politician it means you will stan them for life and support all their actions unconditionally.
Likewise if you say anything negative about an American politician it means you hate everything they stand for.
Stick around for a while longer and you will find their assessments are not far off.
The count is up to 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Now 🎉
I do not know how nuclear weapons work, but can weapons grade plutonium be mined? I thought you needed nuclear reactors for that stuff.
Not washing your chicken with vinegar gives it a dirty taste. Don’t @ me.
Break things not humans
Election spam which filled the front page is mostly gone.
It has always been sloppy. They have about two layers of lies to retort to debunks and then any person looking into Israel realizes the entire countries history is lies and more lies.
Also people including Europe kept buying Russian gas because they don’t care that much.
Green Hill Zone
This is true. It is the “occasional use kitchen drawer”
Wait till you find out what the American CIA does