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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • Your doctor will only prescribe opiates in the most extreme cases? I’m not buying it at all. Getting all your teeth removed is under no uncertain terms a MAJOR case of extreme pain and precisely what they should be used for. Also, you’re a fool thinking that taking them after a surgery like this will lead to a “hard drug habit.” Also, no mention of any antibiotics? Sounds like you don’t want to fall into a hard successful recovery habit either. And last but not least… An oral surgeon removing all teeth at once!!!

    I also read your comment about this being because of free healthcare and I call bullshit on that as well. There’s only two possible explanations for this predicament you’re in. The first is that this is a completely bullshit story which I’m leaning towards. Second is that you went to a unlicensed and illegal place that did this procedure. This would make the most sense with your admission of a complete lack of communication and proper prescriptions.

  • I’ve never been stung by a bee either! I’ve had a wasp get me a few times but bees and I have a unspoken truce, I guess. We have carpender bees all around our house and my wife hates them but I enjoy watching them have those valiant mid-air dog fights. Those little bastards can scrap. They never bother or dive bomb me but sometimes they get curious and kinda hover around me, presumably doing a bee’s version of a vibe check. I dont run or swat at them and they just peace out after maybe 15-20 seconds and then ignore me next time Im outside in “their” territory. … My wife on the other hand, swats, screams and runs from them and they’ll straight up go after her. She clearly does not pass the vibe check. It’s wild.