If there is a Costco near them get hearing aids from them. They’ve been very good about replacements with the warranty handy.
If there is a Costco near them get hearing aids from them. They’ve been very good about replacements with the warranty handy.
Ideally the ongoing schism in the Republican party continues and they return to some semblance of civility.
On top of that, ideally the party splits into two and alternate voting schemes start gaining traction in red states. There are a few blue counties experimenting with them, but I’ve seen none on the red side. There is no chance ranked voting gets to the state level until both sides agree to it.
Democrats want to maintain the status quo for as long as possible to get through the election cycle. Once they get the next 4 years secured and know what the house/Senate looks, like they’ll have their pick to proxy war in Israel or Ukraine. Or Korea. Or Taiwan. Maybe a wild card in the Horn of Africa.
Yeah, leaving leaf coverage is great for all kinds of larvae. Leaving them alone also slows weeds from growing and as the leaves break down they fertilize the soil.
The modern problem is that there are not enough critters roaming around to naturally step on foliage to break them down.