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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • I mean, I have a PC that is roughly the same specs, while still being in the general price ballpark. I waited for specials, took advantage of vendor specific price reductions (such as company specific credit card discounts when I had the money to pay outright), bought a couple things second hand, bought two things that were ope box (returned but nothing wrong), and I already had a decent monitor. This, as you probably can tell, was a pain in the ass, but I have a PC that is a little more powerful, with a lot more storage, for just shy of 900 USD, after taxes. So not bad. However I don’t expect normal people to go through that, I kinda enjoy the process.

    But the only way to really compare the two is in a holistic manner. Without including the costs of using the console, through its life, it just isn’t a fair comparison.

  • Consoles are actually not priced to make a profit, they sell at a loss. They do this because they have a premium on games, and games exclusive to them. On top of this they charge for a variety of services, things that are free for similar games on PC.

    PCs’ cost is up front. The cost of a console continues fore the life time of that console. If you have a PS5 for the average cycle to produce a newer version, you will have paid 800 dollars just for the ability to play their games online. That makes it $1500 dollars at this point. This isn’t even including all the other little costs, and average of higher prices for games, the premium price on their devices/accessories, or the cost of the TV, etc.

    On top of this you can’t also use your PS5 to work, like you can with a PC, or anything, really, other than gaming, and a select number of things, that you will be able to do with the things you need to have for the console, like a TV.

  • Or, I don’t talk politics to YOU. I talk politics all the time, even people I know hard disagree with me on major things. The thing is, we can stay civil, if hard facts are introduced that prove a point one person is making, or show why someone’s idea is wrong, it will be actually considered. When I say this, it is usually because I know that person can’t do this, or I am in an environment where this can hurt my life, like work.

  • Not my favorate to watch, but the one I prefer to recomend.

    Vernon, Florida

    I happened to live near there for a couple years. When I went online, to see if I could show some proof of the things I witnessed there, to friends not from there, this documentary came up. Though it takes place like 15ish years before I was there, it still was a good overview of my experience there. Basically the documentarian went there to make a film about the very high rate of lost limbs there, and ended up just showcasing the strange white-trashness of the place.

    This documentary is way under appreciated. I highly suggest it.

  • I thought facebook today was more like

    here’s an uncanny AI picture of Jesus

    here’s the same but Jesus is with a korean flight attendant

    here’s the same but jesus is with a starving brown kid

    Here’s the same but the brown kid is missing limbs

    Here’s an uncanny AI picture of people, in military kit, missing limbs, in wheelchairs, sitting in the middle of the highway, with signs

    Here are AI comics with midcentury styled nuclear families, and soldiers, in situations, and with text, that is surreal, at best, and nightmarish, at worst

    These are all with titles like “people don’t want to see pictures like these anymore”, “no one wants to support the troops”, “you won’t share this”, and they are all tagged #BOOMchallenge