Wonder how they’d feel about Bill Mahr getting smashed while sexually harassing children.
Wonder how they’d feel about Bill Mahr getting smashed while sexually harassing children.
Sloth goes better with Valve imo.
Thanks, but did you have to send me a pop-up to tell me that?! I’m at work and had to turn my phone off. I’ll let my grandson figure it out
Hi Jane, it’s Martha. Let me know if you get this, I’m new to computers and the Facebook app but someone said you can talk to friends on here. Did I do it right?
It said someone else liked this but I’m only talking to Jane. Can other people see this? Please don’t eavesdrop, Jane has marriage issues so i wanted this to be private.
Jane Smith
Stop blowing up my phone!!!@@@!!! I’m done talking to this thread leave me alone!!! How do I stop pop ups?
I think clean power lines look nice. I’d definitely prefer them to a butterfly killing roadway or lighted poles that create light pollution and confuse wildlife.