You shouldn’t judge someone for having a grass fetish. They have wants and needs like anyone else.
When the lawn gets cut, which activates its distress signal with that sweet fresh fragrance… OP can’t help but get off on that.
You shouldn’t judge someone for having a grass fetish. They have wants and needs like anyone else.
When the lawn gets cut, which activates its distress signal with that sweet fresh fragrance… OP can’t help but get off on that.
I buy the correct way and it’s been working okay so far. The moment something is taken away, I’ll get it back another way.
Even though physical discs are superior, with audio especially, I really don’t have room to store all the things I want.
I saw the article before somewhere on my newsfeed and didn’t click on it. Until we get some kind of new type of technology, flying cars will always be planes or drone that kinda looks like a car.
Look at those pricey 1%-ers and their sweet yolky goodness.
Just like Sandra Bullock and Cillian Murphy.
The way I see it… whenever I do buy from Amazon, I say to myself that my money is going to the workers/drivers… and whenever the Magas pay for stuff, that goes straight to Bezos.
It’s not as good as buying from somewhere else, but it helps.