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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • They use the standard CO2 cylinders, not the soda stream quick connect ones. I got an omnifizz to replace my soda stream and have been really happy with it. It doesn’t need electricity (our soda stream needed to be plugged in, not sure if they have powerless models), and the way the cap works lets you carbonate pretty much anything without it spilling out when you open it.

  • Honestly, I think we’re all tired of responding to this same absurd argument. The gamble that you propose is risking fascism AND doesn’t have a high likelihood of success. Joe Biden stepping aside doesn’t magically make Bibi stop the war. Bibi needs this shit to keep going to stay in power/out of prison. You’re doing nothing to change that dynamic, if anything you’re helping Bibi. And Joe Biden losing because they don’t agree to a ceasefire does not stop the war, it escalates it.

    I’m done responding to this, have a nice evening.

  • Withing a FPTP system like ours, I think when one candidate is a fascist and the other is not, yes you should vote for the non fascist candidate 100% of the time. This is the situation we will find ourselves in November regardless of who the Democratic nominee is.

    I was pointing out that Ozma is once again being disingenuous with their concern that the other poster was somehow helping Trump by supporting Joe Biden’s candidacy. Ozma has no qualms with Trump, a fascist, winning the election. They simply want Joe Biden to lose. I think it’s important to point out those motivations.

    And you’re correct about certain states having more weight, but that doesn’t mean we need to create a permission structure for others to stay home. The priority has to be keeping Trump out of office, not Joe Biden.