lIfE iS a BleSsInG
lIfE iS a BleSsInG
this some young people meme i don’t understand
Remember god is a stranger that sees you when you’re in the bathroom.
Is everyone getting the same candy or do you have “kid” candy and “adult kid” candy? Asking for a friend.
So it’s like the purge but with points or is it like the french revolution?! (Not that they are were very different lol)
Just want to make sure of the rules so I don’t kill my neighbour accidentally
I’m not against but I feel like we have to establish boundaries. Like how rich is rich game? Is a weathy dude huntable? What about people that won the lotery? I Imagine billionaires are the better target right?!
Oh yeah, so self controled… why don’t you buy a 3d printer then hun?!
the ones that could totally happen are the worst
wtf lol
I have EHS too! Mine is not so much an “explosion” but a pretty lound sound that would come out of nowhere. When I used to live in a flat I always woke up thinking the building was falling. Idk maybe it was the only thing my brain thought it would make sense with that noise. I would hear it and just wait for the bricks to fall into my head but they never would. Really crazy brain stuff.
Modern civil war happens when a domestic terrorist group starts to act agains the government.
For a full on civil war the army would habe to break apart in factions too, and I don’t thinl that’s probable in the us
in 1994! fuck, i’m so oldI watched the original adams family with him i the theatre
Humans. The only thing I’m scared of in this life are other humans.
bowie pretending to be gay so hard to get along with his pals
Also heard “fat women are disgusting” LOL
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