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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • On one hand I have my personal firstname-lastname-dot-com I’m still hosting for years. I’m not a webdev but WordPress is awfully bloated and everything else needs a touch of webdev skills.

    So it’s been at “coming soon I’m working on it welcome to sample example theme page” for years, but hey it’s indexing well based on age alone!

    The other is a fun clever one I route through cloudflare to access all my home server stuff via HTTPS over TailScale. Never have to expose any ports to the big scary world wide web. :p

  • Magnets near computers at all while we’re at it LOL.

    We learned to tolerate a big purple-green splotch in the corner of my family’s ultra heavy CRT display after I held one of those neat telescopic-magnet-wands too close to it once.

    Then I learned there was a “degauss” function!

    That seemed like magic how fast it made the unsightly blemish, and my parents’ irritation, vanish. XD

    I remember seeing tutorials on making a neat degaussing contraption using magnets and an electric drill, too. O.o

    Hard drives though…probably not as easily fixed.

  • I’ve mostly heard it from musicians on various distro forums and such for some reason. You’re right, there’s JACK, and low latency versions of kernels and all sorts of other stuff. (LMMS is more than fine for my experience level lol)

    Mainly I think it’s because a lot of the fancy paid DAWs or plugins boil down to Windows, but I’m not an experienced musician myself to really know what their exact complaints are.

    I think it still might just be FUD generated by frustrated people, because sometimes you gotta do a little more than “unzip and run” for a lot of plugins.