I’m a nurse working in a large hospital. I did ICU nursing for almost 8 years, and now I’m a “float pool” nurse… which means they send me to whatever unit needs help that shift (Except pediatrics. That’s not my gig, and our pediatrics has a separate Children’s Hospital anyway).
Every day is a new adventure. I might be working in one of the ICU’s (Neuro, Cardiac, Surgical, Medical), or I could be on any of the other floor units (Med-Surg and such). Currently on a Nephrology unit, cursing the fact that I scheduled myself to work the night that time rolls back an hour. So it’ll be a little over a 13 hour shift tonight :(
But it’s hard to say what a typical day looks like. Lots of charting, time management, monitoring, and critical thinking… as well as the physical aspect of patient care. It’s definitely interesting and I love it. But it can also be draining (physically, mentally, and emotionally), so ya gotta make sure to maintain your own balance too
Using whole numbers can be easier when estimating