Who’s to say you’re not (I won’t, at the least)?
Who’s to say you’re not (I won’t, at the least)?
perfectionist mindset - as one is writing,
I think an “M-Dash (perfectionist mindest— as one is writing,)” would be more appropriate than an “N-Dash” in your statement. No ‘nested’ parentheses needed (unless you’re looking to add non-essential (though insightful) info to your sentence); but the type of… “PAUSE” makes all the difference
You can use money from your 401k (stipulations vary) for a down payment on a first home, without the tax penalty (in America at least)
Incomprehension of fraction to decimal conversion is why 90% of people who say they are bad at math, say they are bad at math
I feel called out. I was in high-school Calculus (11th grade) before I “truly” understood fractions. Like, I honestly somehow managed to make it to Calculus without knowing how to add and subtract fractions without a calculator. Thought I was dumb in math until 9th grade algebra, and didn’t start becoming a bit of a math nerd until Calculus
Retunal… and I FINALLY just recently beat it
I’ve been playing it off and on for about two years now, and it was so satisfying to finally finish the main story