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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • Even if such a thing existed, which given the analysis parameters makes it far too complex for automation (like for instance, how would such a software distinguish between old deleted data still residing in empty space and a vault file hidden in empty space without a follow up analysis of the data itself. It would probably alert the user for something, but the amount of false positives would probably lead an untrained user to ignore the alerts eventually) i would guess it doesn’t, but if it did, it would have to process petabytes every day, from all over the country and the system would have to be maintained, which going by government record of informatics systems, doesn’t seem likely that it would be readily available for everyone that gets stopped at a border stop consistently. It’s like an anti virus search, with all the false positives it comes up with, but 100 times slower, plus the transmission of the entire disk clone file, plus the cloning process itself.

    Moreover the cost of maintaining such a system when 95%+ of the population doesn’t have the know how to use complex data obfuscation measures and LEO rarely obtains information out of these cursory searches for arrests. On published news articles LEO always ends up using snitches, google searches or usage of the TOR network in a given area to catch criminals. Data forensics only come into play later on. Presumably, dollar for dollar, they would probably invest in what works best instead of casting such a wide net.

    In sum, I’m not cleared to know such information, but i am guessing such a thing, while technologically possible, seems economically unfeasible and liable to be used only in specific cases. If i had a border security budget, i would certainly not invest in a mega server to swift through every bit of empty and occupied space of all the randomly selected people for a search that come in through the ports of entry. However i could be wrong.

  • I think you overvalue the skillset of border security. This may seem trivial to you but it’s uncommon to hire people trained to this level of competence and put them at every point of entry. A decent cybersecurity investigator needs a big salary.

    That would probably happen if you were already a suspect of something or a high profile person and they moved in resources for you. No way border security is randomly sweeping for headers and entropy, they basically just look at it with the explorer and clone it, possibly using some software to scan for known security vulnerabilities to access encrypted parts. That would be a court ordered search or a high profile crime investigation, or maybe a really really unlucky day where the expert was already there for another reason, but the rest i agree.

    If your threat model makes you a high profile person, then smuggling data in hidden containers is definitely not the best solution. A non associated personal cloud server is best.

  • So the point is not wealth but spite ? You don’t have to act in good faith to cooperate with others. Like i said, in trade, a prosperous peer is worth more and generates more wealth than an ailing one.

    This is not an argument on good faith, it’s self interest and selfishness. It’s right there on game theory and pretty much the entire course of biological history and evolution. One might profit from destroying and seizing the resources of a peer, but in most cases that profit is inferior to quid pro quo cooperation.

    To me this is just acting deranged and nonsensical. Just being belligerent for the sake of cruelty and destruction. It’s more believable to me that its motivations are about projection of power and hegemony like other commenters have pointed out.

  • So it’s 2020 and the US is still using special forces to carry out coups and arming rebel militias around the world, often to mediocre results and incredibly hard consequences, such as runaway rebel militias and an absolute mistrust of the US as a partner.

    Yeah good job US. It would be worrying if the CIA & co were not so famously demonstratedly laughably incompetent. Stop orchestrating coups and arming militias. It will never work out the way you expect. It’s so ridiculous. One would think that after some 50 years of failure in the middle east and south america a country would learn what not to do, but here we are. I guess some countries take a little while more to learn.

  • I’m not a religious man, but i honestly can’t understand how someone can go like “my god is good and this is what my god wants. I’m doing a good thing for my god in their name” and then proceed to do this. Remember they’re doing this in the honor of the shabbat, so it’s really a message for high up.

    Either these people are completely delusional on their actions or their god is a being of extreme prejudice and hatred, unworthy of being worshipped by anyone.

    Either way the entire Jewish community and history is forever tarnished because of Israel. Jews everywhere and in the future will never completely ever live this down. It’s shame of the highest order.

  • Like most places in the middle east, peace could have already been accomplished without US interference. That’s all it takes.

    However the US keeps funding and arming belligerent actors in the region, causing war after war after war since the beginning of the cold war. Without US interference, they would have fought it out and reached some sort of compromise to survive. Everything the US gets involved in is in for death and misery for decades in the region and will always end up worse than it began.

    The current Israeli-Palestine situation is not a 70+ year long accidental mishap that nobody knows how to fix. It’s a cafefully orchestrated stage going according to plan. I mean they stopped Germany in the 1940s. World powers could easily stop Israel too, if they wanted. I don’t know if anyone can stop it. It seems that not even registered voters in the US can stop this.

  • Trump would only win if the Democrat party found someone seemingly more inept than him.

    I am impressed that the Democrat party managed to present not one, but two outstandingly incompetent candidates. In a row. That’s some bottom of the barrel advanced scraping techniques right there. They even managed to get a representation of both sexes.

    I’m sure Mr. Biden will be terribly distraught, as soon as he is able to understand what’s happening around him at the moment.

  • The US as a country is wholly complicit in this genocide. Both their major parties are 100% in support of genocide. Their universities are investing millions in weapons factories that create the tools of the genocide. Their taxpayer dollars go towards directly funding the genocide. This after the 20 years long wars they caused in the middle east with the countless suffering caused by that.

    I am disgusted at Israel and the US. Never forget what the US really is. How can any of us from “third world” countries see the US as anything better than the worst that China and Russia have done ? They’re all cut from the same cloth.

  • What i figure from this is that the only reasons the Democrat party doesn’t win more often in the US, is that they’re really, really, really bad at their jobs.

    Like take Hillary for instance. She only lost because she managed to look more incompetent than Trump. Now Trump is doing his darnest that no one will be more incompetent than him, but by all the starts in the universe, genocide Joe will give him a run for his money

    Stay tuned for the election with the worst presidential candidates that the US could produce. It’s so embarrassing, i fear my face might freeze in the cringe.

  • Personally I’d say score voting would make the most sense. Essentially it works like this, you get a list of parties and you vote them 1-5 on how much you agree with them. This changes the whole dynamics as you now aren’t choosing who will rule, but how much you agree with each party ideologically and forcing you to research on their proposed mandate plans. It also serves as sort of an evaluation of how do you think each party has been addressing the country’s issues before the election.

    Mathematically, this may not ensure always the most happiness, but it ensures the least unhappiness compared to all current known voting methods (you can easily find research on how this was calculated in many papers on mathematics).

    Personally i would also propose returning to the old Roman and the first proposed French republic system of having 2-3 consuls of the most voted for parties and they take turns proposing legislation to a senate that’s a direct seated representation of the voting results.

    As an interesting tidbit, the reason we have a president/prime Minister with all the power in most western democracies, is because Napoleon altered the original proposed 3 consul system into a prime consul with all the power then minor ministers because he was aiming to become Emperor and wanted to centralize the power. Our democratic systems are strongly influenced by the first French republic post the French revolution.