But that would make a mate cocido, which has a very different taste.
But that would make a mate cocido, which has a very different taste.
I’m Argentinian, so I do enjoy mate almost daily. However I find that it’s a lot of yerba used for just me drinking, so I have a Ceba Solo (not my picture, but that’s exactly the same model I have). It’s easy to serve, afterwards you only have to drink because it essentially makes the water go through the yerba automatically and uses way less yerba. The only downside is that I have never seen these for sale outside of Argentina, I have moved mine through 3 countries already, but if you ever find one it makes drinking mate by yourself a whole easier and cheaper.
Also not available in Europe, stop assuming people are from the same county as you.
Oh boy, this reminds me of one test in college where there was a question that had a logical circuit diagram, I don’t remember what it asked exactly but my answer was marked wrong, I went to the teacher the next day and told him I thought that was the right answer and he said “well, it’s not, I’ll demonstrate” and he wrote the question on the board called attention for everyone saying he would show the right answer to the test question, and started answering it. I saw him start to answer and immediately he made a mistake, I raised my hand to point that out and he told me to let him finish. He got to the end of the thing, showed a different result, and said “see, this was the correct result” to which I said “You missed the NOT at the beginning of the circuit”, he looks at it, rewrites some stuff, and gets to my answer to which I said “and that’s what you marked as the wrong result on my test”. He still tried to claim that was wrong because he got the question from book X, and a colleague (who I suspect had also given the right answer) produced the book, looked up the answer and said loudly “the second answer is the one on the book”. Defeated he had to give me (and whoever else had the right answer) at the point for that question. Completely unrelated story, that guy was also the coordinator of the course I was coursing and after months of waiting for recognition of some classes that I had taken at a different college coincidentally the very next week they got denied which meant I would have to take 14 extra classes (so at least a year and a half extra) to graduate, and that some of the classes I was taking that semester would have to be dropped and retaken after coursing the prerequisites (which I was trying to get recognized), one such class was the one where I got the question right… What a coincidence, right?
I should thank that guy, because of him I dropped out of college, moved to another city, and started at another college where I met my wife.
Your question makes no sense. The war being with the intention of conquest or subjugation has to do with what the attacker is doing, whereas all that came before is about what the defending side of this “hypothetical” conflict is doing. The two are not related, so the question doesn’t make sense.
If your question was supposed to be something among the lines of “then how do you explain this clearly conquest/subjugation was where the defending side has no volunteers” then the answer is what he already told you in the reply but you claim he didn’t, i.e. attrition is a thing, and after years of conflicts people lose hope. In this theoretical conflict there might have been a high influx of volunteers at the beginning of that conflict, if there were then that could have allowed a theoretical small country to defend themselves against even a theoretical huge military superpower for more time than anyone would have predicted. But after a year of your country being devastated, no one coming for help, and the military superpower just keep sending fresh soldiers constantly from an apparent infinite pool, it’s understandable that people will lose hope and not volunteer anymore.
Sure, but it will never be 100% because there are medical excuses. And they will get someone to sign a paper saying they already served and were discharged because X. Where X is something serious enough for them not to get called back but not serious enough to be immediately noticeable or too harmful outside of the military, e.g. poor eyesight, torn ligament on the leg, etc. So their kids still won’t serve.
A couple of days, I was doing Atkins diet at the time and completely lost my hunger, so I just forgot to eat for two days until someone asked me what I had had for lunch and I realized I hadn’t eaten lunch, or dinner, or lunch the day before, or dinner the day before that. It was a weird feeling realizing I had gone almost 48 hours without food without even noticing.
All while trying to convince me “tall white aliens” run the U.S. government
This is where you ask him: How sure are you that they’re white? What if they’re grey? Or blue? What if they’re short? Or really tiny? Or not aliens at all but rather underground people? Or actually future humans? All of these are at least as likely as white tall aliens, so the chances of it being white tall aliens can’t be that high, even if it were 1% we would already covered 27% just with those cases, and adding 3 more colors we get to 54%. So definitely the chances of them being tall white aliens is much less than 1%, because I can keep adding colors, sizes or origins and they all have the same validity the chances of them being tall white aliens is infinitesimally small, which in statistics we call 0. So why bother?
Francisco 22…
What’s so funny about ‘Biggus Dickus’?
I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called ‘Biggus Dickus’.
I’ve never seen 2001: Space Odyssey, I already tried watching it multiple times, but always end up falling asleep.
Similarly, I’ve never managed to finish Firefly, usually watch a couple of episodes and forget about it.
Also up until very recently (less than 2 years ago) I had never played any Call of Duty games.
It would be interesting to get your take on LOTR and see how close you are to the actual story.
I never manage to finish it, I started it twice already, and there are some gems there, there’s one scene in particular which I LOVE: https://youtu.be/yXuhtZ9lh9A but for some reason can never get myself to finish it.
While the ending is exactly what I expected it to be, I think the last season was rushed. But I agree, I don’t get the hatred people gave it, I had stopped watching a few seasons back, but watched the last one because people around me were watching it, but from the books it was fairly clear that that was the ending all along.
They’re not bad, if you enjoy the movies the books are at least as good, and they explain lots of the plot-holes I had with the movies. But they’re definitely not great, there are still several plot-holes and stuff that she clearly made up as she went. That being said, they’re enjoyable, and you should get through them fairly quickly.
This, this is it, right here. I can’t tell you the amount of times I wanted to smash a coworker head against the table because they were doing stuff the way it was “supposed” to be done without understanding the reason. For example at one job I worked doing rebases on git was prohibited, everyone knew it was a rule, everyone respected it, I kept asking why but no one had an answer, until at one point I was chatting with a senior architect and I asked him and he said “oh, it’s not prohibited, it’s just that someone messed up a repo trying to do a rebase once so we told them not to rebase unless you knew what you were doing”. And just like that there were thousands of other things that made me realize that most programmers just accept things as they are instead of trying to understand why, which causes several problems, the most common one being the XY problem.
I love how in Netrunner the runner can hack into the Corp deck or even his hand, stealing cards that the Corp hasn’t had time to use or even see.
If you’re really the dev, please add support for spoilers, it’s the only thing that makes me consider a different app. I’ve also been using Boost since Reddit, and I have a feeling spoiler tags worked there, but that was long ago and my memory is not that good.
Vanilla Arch is the better one in terms of performance and ease of use (yeah call me weird for saying Arch is easier to use than other distros XD)
Not weird at all, I use Arch on my main system exactly because I’m lazy and it’s easier to use. It’s harder to install, but a lot easier to use.
Haha, yeah, drink it however you want it, I find it absurd that people think there’s a right way to enjoy food/drinks. I drink Mate in the exact same circumstances, tea is not enough but I don’t feel like coffee. I’m just letting you know that the name of what you’re drinking is Mate cocido, which has very different taste from what most people are thinking when they talk about mate, it’s still a very popular drink too.