I’m not good at describing things, but I’ll give it a try. Thanks
Technology fan, Linux user, gamer, 3D animation hobbyist
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I’m not good at describing things, but I’ll give it a try. Thanks
A set of scripts that download Chaturbate videos, also keep track of what’s currently downloading, give a history of what’s been downloaded, and automate recompressing to HEVC.
I’m workshopping ideas for a new GUI for it, but don’t know where it’s safe to ask NSFW programming questions.
I remember those days, playing games with DOS4GW or whatever it was called. Man, I don’t miss that.
Yeah, but this happens with every version. Windows 7 still had a big market share up until MSFT cut off support. Users are going to bitch and complain and talk about switching to Linux, but eventually just install the next Windows version.
Unfortunately, a certain government(all three branches) could make things very difficult for AMD if they don’t play ball.
Let’s face it, Nvidia doesn’t care if you buy a gaming card or not right now. You can complain, but they can’t hear you over their money counting machines.
Nvidia is only selling enough gaming cards to keep their market share from falling too low. All the rest of their silicon is allocated towards data center.