Sas [she/her]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • So in German we have different forms of job descriptions depending if the gender of the person. So doctor would be Arzt for a dude and Ärztin for a lass. Now when talking about a mixed gender group of doctors, the plural form of the masculine form would be generally used. This kinda leads to people always thinking about a group of male doctors. To mitigate that, there’s been multiple attempts to make more inclusive forms. For the most time listing both forms was the go to, as in Ärzte und Ärztinnen. The gender star was an attempt to combine it into Ärzt*Innen in which the star was read as a little pause. Other ways to write that pause include ÄrztInnen where you just capitalize the I and my favourite Ärzt:Innen, as the : is read as a pause by screen readers while the star is read as it’s own word by then. My actual favourite form however is gendering after Phettberg which entirely gets rid of the gender and builds a different plural: Ärztis. It also sounds cute and I’m all for more cuteness. That form sadly is used nowhere.

  • Been the younger sibling to an abusive 4 year older brother. Beating him up wasn’t an option as even small age differences are big regarding strength. All i could do was de-escalate, lock my room (and turn my key slightly because our rooms had the same key shape so he could just push my key out from the outside and unlock it) and hope he doesn’t still manage to get in there. I honestly have no advise for this to op :( My situation ended when my brother got drafted to the military for 2 years or so and when he was back he moved out.

  • 100% agree. While i love showing off my general form some days because I’m proud of myself, it’s never just the chest and if something is visible there it’s by accident and not meant for public viewing. Sometimes it’s very hot out which might get me to put on fairly loose blouses but that’s not for show and more for me to not die of a heat stroke. So unless we’ve been dating for a bit, no, please don’t stare at my chest. If we’ve been dating however, i might do it on purpose 😋