Well there you go. Art where the quality is accepted and expected to be low. That’s art that AI can do a good job at.
Art that is like fastfood.
Well there you go. Art where the quality is accepted and expected to be low. That’s art that AI can do a good job at.
Art that is like fastfood.
Dumbass is the new sinner.
No Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I tried a little and gave up.
Never used any music or video streaming service. Yo ho
The last episide was weak. The first couple seasons were good.
You are better off
If you don’t remember then how can you tell?
Sometimes you remember dreaming, sometimes you half-remember dreaming, sometimes you remember nothing.
I’m assuming that the unremembered part is full of dreams too.
Some people don’t remember their dreams. Some do.
It’s like dreaming (like you do when you go to sleep) except moreso
Five Million Years to Earth
Is it better (according to the present popular opinion) to use a derogatory term (goy) or to use what the term means (a dirty non-jew)?
THAT is a good one. Perfect.