Exactly, got caught on your bs. Fuck off now, cunt.
Exactly, got caught on your bs. Fuck off now, cunt.
You people always think of everything so black and white all the goddamn time. There are gradients to it. Most people are somewhere in the grey.
The fucking irony in you saying this.
-Cries about echo chamber.
-Gets schooled.
-“StOp seEinG thiNgS bLAck and WhiTe” while simultaneously seeing things black and white.
Fuck outta here bro.
If your opinions or ideas are disliked by the majority of people. It doesn’t mean you’re in an echo chamber, it means you have shitty ideals and opinions. Want that to change? Then change your fucking mind and open yourself to new perspectives. Otherwise, go to Truth or X where mentally ill people and bots can agree with your garbage takes.
Fucking tired of fucks creating problems when there aren’t any.
Man, imagine sucking trumps dick so hard that watching your country collapse is “awesome to watch.” Fucking traitorous filth, you deserve so much of what’s to come. can’t fucking wait.
It’s the same fucking guy posting on multiple accounts. This all points back to UniversalMonk who was banned for this exact same shit.
Awh came to rescue yourself Universalmonk?