Oh it’s Nassim Nicolas Taheb
Oh it’s Nassim Nicolas Taheb
I can definitely relate. I have several PDFs of advanced textbooks from when I wanted to learn some very niche skill. The latest one is an economics textbook from when I wanted to learn about different types of auctions and the maths/game theory behind each.
You got your dating photos critiqued? And it exists as a paid service?? You fascinate me Sir.
Ok, the second one is definitely a wierd(ly specific) PDF and I dig it!
RIP. This is up there with the arrest warrant
IMO, post, but bidirectional. 1-2 times a day post gets not only deposited in your letterbox, but also collected (I added this bit for convenience so that you don’t have to walk to the nearest postbox evwry time you want to comment on something in the news).
I agree it feels weird to come across files that’ve been around for longer than you have.
This looks legendary
The graphics alone make this look worth reading
Ooh could you link me to the above?
Truly morbid looking
I was going to say the illustrations look very 90s
Ok, this is definitely the winning comment. I’m crossing my fingers for you bro
That sounds fun!
Ooh! Link? ^^
Ah I didn’t think to look into that part of my downloads for PDFs
Mine is this report by the central bank where they tested the insurance sector at-large for resillience to financial shocks. ^(Although after reading some books by nassim nicholas taleb, I realize that testing using the worst imaginable shocks isn’t sufficient as black swan events are by their nature unpredictable)
Well said.