• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • What other options do the Palestinian people have

    That’s part of the crux. Both the Palestinians and the Israelis need better leadership.

    Unfortunately, we are never returning to the 68 borders. If I had the power to magically make it happen, I would do it in a snap. But the reality is that it’s never happening. Each side has to concede something to move forward. Palestinians need to accept the Jewish state at this point --whether it’s fair or not. 10 million Israelis are not going to just up and leave as much as we wish that could happen. Israelis need to demolish illegal settlements and restore occupied territories even if they are not going to concede the 68 borders.

    I don’t really know what the best answer is but the onus is on both parties. I agree Israel has the upper hand militarily, but Israel does not want another 100 years of suicide bombers either. There has to be a path forward.

  • We agree a lot more than you think. I’m not saying the Palestinians don’t feel justified in fighting. Hamas still enjoys broad support among Palestinians.

    The point where we diverge I think is that it goes both ways. The Palestinians never accepted the establishment of a Jewish state, even before the Peele commission even happened. The issue as I see it, that sentiment never wavered even though the context has changed drastically.

    Not that any of that justifies the conduct of the IDF in this current conflict. We agree - all I’m saying it’s not so simple as an occupying force creating an apartheid condition.

  • I don’t know that Israel closed all diplomatic options. There were plenty of offers on the table that Hamas / PLO walked away from.

    I don’t think Israel are good guys and they are effective opportunists with the land grabs / settlements. I also don’t think Hamas cares one bit about the Palestinian people either. I feel like they always seem to get carte blanche to act with impunity because the Palestinians are oppressed --which, don’t get me wrong, they absolutely are. It just seems we always single out one party, but to me they are both culpable of exploiting the suffering of the Palestinians. Just my opinion.

  • Thanks.

    The issue is I am argumentative. I like having disagreents and most of all I like hearing different points of view. If this sounds like a vanilla take, it’s because it is.

    If I disagree with people on fb or insta or ask to verify the facts of an event there I will get push back or I will learn something new. I will also hear some combative words. Nothing strange.

    If I ask about the facts of the matter here:

    • “blocked”

    • “troll”

    • “fuck you you cuntfuck defender of Kyle Rittenhouse. Eat dick.”

    • “I have you labeled as conservative cuck”

    On. And on. And on. But it’s OK, because apparently asking for facts is justification to garner this, right?

    What gives?

  • I don’t want a gotcha.

    I want to understand why it’s OK for someone to come in and make sniping remarks and call me a troll. They get zero condemnation from you. But because you all have decided I’m an asshole, that’s OK. I even granted yea it’s possible my rhetoric came across abrasive - even though, again, to be clear: trying to ascertain the facts of the matter of a situation should not automatically relegate someone to a label.

    I gave grace. I never labeled anyone anything. Not even the person that called me a troll. I didn’t lob insults at anyone.

    And yet.

    The onus is on me to apologize and reflect. At least thats the vibe I’m getting from you.

  • Sorry. I reread your previous comment. You make some good 'points.

    I never intended to defend Kyle. And I can see why people would assume that. My messaging was very poor and I think people went straight to labeling we a Rittenhouse supporter. Given that the labeling persisted even after I clarified I’m not interested in defending Kyle. I understand it’s a charged topic and the rage blinders just come on right away. That kinda makes sense.

    But then how do we talk about sensitive topics at all? Do we bury our heads in the sand?