It’s not an ideal situation, but somebody who you want to be kinder to themselves can motivate you to set an example.
It’s not an ideal situation, but somebody who you want to be kinder to themselves can motivate you to set an example.
If I understand this correctly, the polite request is meant to be passive aggressive flattery and the outright demand is the honest tone that gets to the point. I think in written form I prefer the polite request to avoid panicking immediately. In person, I’d panic anyway. So I prefer the outright demand, because I can’t handle passive aggressive attacks at all. Usually I’ll reflect their politeness before I understand the matter and then when they assume that I’m not taking it seriously, they get more intense which scares me long-term.
EDIT: No, actually, forget it. I’d prefer the outright demand even in written form. I get chills when I think about encounters with passive aggressive demands…
The USA is neither the best country nor the worst country. It’s just one of the countries.
The reasoning behind a lot of “only humans do that” is that it’s unexplored.
In Omori
Mari’s death and how it happened - I still feel pressure on my chest whenever I think about it. Since a missclick lead me accidentally to the alternative ending at first, it was even worse…
I assume that every decision I make I’ll regret for what could have been and embrace for what has become. And that’s only the small part of the future I get to decide.
Contagion and Children of Men - while they didn’t look far into the future and dealt with existing problems, it’s still horrifyingly accurate.
That’s an interesting question. I’ll try to get to the bottom of this.
I don’t really have a perception of people that like to listen to metal, because that’s a huge amount of different people. This definitely did change. I’m not sure, if it was due to my younger age or the strength of genre stereotypes at the end of the 2000s, but at that time I didn’t even realize how much of the music I listened to was metal. I associated metal more with the stereotyped metal heads than the actual music.
If we’re talking about programming language guides in particular, following a guided introduction to a new language was helpful to me, when I was introduced to new concepts and perspectives. And Rust is the best example in my case. Personally I probably would’ve struggled more and longer in practice without learning about ownership, lifetimes and borrowing in theory first, because it’s an essential part of almost anything, even strings, and yet it’s not too difficult to understand in theory.
But at the end of the day, you can start rawdogging it and use the Rust book or any other guide, when you’re facing a roadblock. If you do so, please share your experience.
It is a problem worth solving. Terrorism is a problem that needs solving and killing all people on earth is a solution. The next question is whether or not it is an appropriate solution to the problem.
Kenshi 2, but I just want a remastered version that makes it more playable.
I’m tired of seing the same superficial content everywhere in general. I just accept it and try to quickly scroll past them.
Pro wrestling
It has a Linux-based OS that you can SSH. You can install community-maintained stuff with Toltec. The Awesome Remarkable is a great overview.
However for 3rd-Party software and more general features, even with the openness, it doesn’t come close to Onyx. In general, the remarkable is more focused on distraction-free e-reader and note-taking capabilities. And honestly even being part of this target audience, if it wasn’t for the affordable replacement offer, I probably would’ve rather looked into other e-ink devices.
It took a bath in ice tea for a few hours and it suffered even more when I stupidly connected it to the PC before I saw the wet folio and bag. I probably would’ve looked into other alternatives, too, if I didn’t receive a replacement offer for ~130€. I love it, but it does have many faults, that for some people may be unacceptable for the price. But that seems to be the current state of e-ink tech in general.
I bought the Remarkable 2 about two years ago, but since I had to get a replacement, I guess it counts. I love the e-paper’s magical feeling in general. Remarkable in particular amazes me with the openness e.g. giving me SSH access to the Linux-based system. I wish they’d focus on customization, tinkering and stability, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I consumed fast food regularly when it was cheap. Maybe today someone consumes fast food regularly, because it can still be cheap, but only if you collect points, coupons and such.
On top of that, they’re always around you and you know what they offer, if you get used to it. Sometimes I want a satisfying safe bet instead of an unknown experiment.