The shit I’ve endured for 10 years that destroyed every aspect of who I was as a child. The reason I hate just about everything aside from work and video games. I used to like just about all the entertainment media aimed at my age but that was exclusively caused by that stupid puzzle piece and not because I was a human being who liked stuff. And then that same stupid ass puzzle piece that made me like too many things too much is why I only enjoy work and games. Right, that stupid puzzle piece was why I wasn’t supposed to be able to work at all, but that same stupid ass puzzle piece is why I was So Smart and knew how to get a job.
Actual human beings go through silly phases and emotions when they’re teenagers, but I only did because of that stupid puzzle piece. Wanting bodily autonomy and privacy was a symptom of that stupid puzzle piece. Wanting to fucking shower was a symptom of that stupid puzzle piece, but so was smelling bad. ABA dumbed me down into dead weight alongside several other children. Imagine loving transformers and action movies as a teenager, must be a stupid disorder because no one actually likes those movies at all.
That shit destroys lives before they’re given a chance to start. Literally mentally murdering the child and keeping a corpse alive.
Oh, right, I’m actually wrong because you lived a real life on the right side of society where everyone treated you like an actual real human being for your whole life, went to real school for real humans where you were actually encouraged to grow and learn, graduated a real high school where you were treated like an actual human being alongside all the other actual human beings and most likely have fun high school memories and pictures you actually consented to be in, then took a trendy test online and call yourself autistic for internet clout and “envy” people who were labeled with that shit as children and had their whole lives forcefully taken from them. Right.
Who cares, it’ll turn off in five minutes if there’s no motion detected. Welcome to the current year where we’re not waking up in a cold sweat to turn off a light.