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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • There’s all these iconic photos of Walt Disney where he’s pointing at stuff with a two finger point. I’ve heard that some within the company say that this is the example by which their resort employees always use the two finger point to direct guests.

    In reality, he was holding a cigarette and the photos have been airbrushed. He died of lung cancer in 1966. Pointing with two fingers is just seen (kind of universally across cultures) as being non-accusatory. Like, say you saw someone talking to someone else and you cannot hear them (or it’s in a language you don’t understand); they’re pointing with one finger in your direction, you may be inclined to think they’re talking about you. If they’re using the two finger point, you’re less likely to think that… it’s the same for airliner flight crew.

  • Micromanagement and the need to take credit for work other people do. Of all the incompetent bosses I’ve had over the years, micromanagers are the worst and all of the micromanagers for whom I’ve worked have been men.

    It’s like, dude, you hired me because I know more about doing this task than other people (including you). Stop hovering over me, when I need your input I’ll come get you. Just let me fucking cook. I know what I’m talking about and what I’m going… you employ me specifically because I know what I’m talking about and what I’m doing.

    I guess their thought process goes: if I’m not hovering over this person at all times, the company might figure out I don’t know 100% of 100% of everything my employees do day to day… even though that’s insane. What company would require a manager to know absolutely everything about how their employees do their jobs; a manager obviously shouldn’t be completely in the dark about operations but also it’s crazy to think they’d want them to be an expert on everything.

  • I think Pennsylvania’s Governor Shapiro is a good choice, but Michigan’s Governor Whitmer is also an excellent idea. Both states are needed to win and have been looking choppy electorially (to say the least). I don’t think Sanders would take the call (for various reasons, none of which are bad). AOC is too “east-coast” when you’ve already got one of the more progressive Democrats on the ticket in Harris. Besides her time as a DA, Harris is fairly progressive. She was originally put on the 2020 Biden ticket as a nod to progressives within the party… so far as VP, she’s stayed to the left of Biden on most things.

  • The average American has been convinced that when they are done being a worker for the day, they become something “better” and more important… the consumer. The consumer has no needs other than consumption. The consumer has no wants other than consumption. Their fellows economically simply become their servants as that is the illusion created by the culture of consumption.

    Look at most folks making less than $100k/year and who are voting Republican. Ask them why they are voting and they will give you a myriad of reasons, but (in my experience) it mostly boils down to “they’re hurting the other team and I want to be part of the winning team.” Some liberals will give you the same type of response, but it’s less common (or less enthusiastically so maybe). It’s less that our electorate has been dulled to political activity and more that politics has been turned into a participation sport with teams, branding, and merchandise.

    In my experience, the greatest example of this are the folks who’ve been completely demoralized saying “both sides are the same.” It is true that both the Republicans and Democrats are the same… if the only way politics affects you is economically (or if you can convince yourself that that is the case). It’s not the politicians or even the parties that are hurting the average American, it’s the Consumer Capitalism all sides of our politics back that’s hurting us. Now, I’m not going to sit here and tell you a fairytale like “USSR was good actually” or “PRC is good actually.” Just as America and it’s systems have problems, those countries and their systems had/have their own problems.

    Being the core of the post-WWII Western hegemony, American politics has problems that are uniquely it’s own; the old adage of “there are no poor Americans, only temporarily embarrassed millionaires” sadly holds true. It affects every level of our politics, culture, and society to the point where no one needs to propagandize to that effect… it’s merely self-reinforces at this point. You work doubles at the Walmart to feed your family and to afford your cell phone plan because you’re just one magic algorithm lift away from TikTok stardom… it’ll happen -any day now- why worry about politics?