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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Not really. The problem with FOSS licensing is that it was too altruistic, with the belief that if enough users and corporations depended on the code, the community would collectively do the work necessary to maintain the project. Instead, capitalism chose to exploit FOSS as free labor most of the time, without any reciprocal investment. They raise an enormous amount of issues, and consume a large amount of FOSS developer time, without paying their own staff to fix the bugs they need resolved — in the software their products depend on. At that point the FOSS developer is no longer a FOSS developer, and instead is the unpaid slave labor of a corporation. Sure, FOSS devs could just ignore external inputs, but that’s not easy to do when you’ve invested years of your life in a project. Exploiting kindness may be legal, but it should never be justified or tolerated.

    Sure, FOSS licenses legally permit that kind of use, but just because homeless shelters allow anyone to eat their food, and sleep in their beds, that doesn’t make the rich man who exploits that charity ethically or morally justified. The rich man who exploits that charity (i.e. free labor), and offers nothing in return, is a scummy dog cunt; there are no two ways about it. The presence of lecherous parasites can destroy the entire charity; they can mean the difference between sustainability and burnout.

    FOSS should always be free for all personal, free, and non profit use, but once someone in the chain starts depending on FOSS to generate income and profit, some of that profit should always be reinvested in those dependencies. That’s what FOSS is now learning; to reject the exploitation and greed of lecherous parasites.

  • Try saying anything negative of Putin/Russia (apparently also China/Xi) and you’ll see how pro-authoritarian and heavily censored their threads are. I know because that’s what got me banned from the privacy ml sub last week!

    Edit: found exact comment from modlog which states ban was for violating rule 2 = “Be respectful” (i.e. anything the mods disagree with).

    Nothing. OP is a tankie / Russian PsyOps operative. If you care about a Russian billionaire who’s surveillance capitalism platform refuses to even acknowledge requests to remove criminals, you deserve to live under the boot of Russia’s authoritarian Kleptocracy. Save your energy for the **_actual_** wars on encryption and privacy that western plutocrats and capitalism are waging under the lie of Freedom™️.

  • Confirmed! I was banned last week from the privacy ml sub for commenting something along the lines of found exact comment from modlog which states ban was for violating rule 2 = “Be respectful” (i.e. anything the mods disagree with).

    Nothing. OP is a tankie / Russian PsyOps operative. If you care about a Russian billionaire who’s surveillance capitalism platform refuses to even acknowledge requests to remove criminals, you deserve to live under the boot of Russia’s authoritarian Kleptocracy. Save your energy for the **_actual_** wars on encryption and privacy that western plutocrats and capitalism are waging under the lie of Freedom™️.

    I would argue the tankie instances/subs/users are actually Russian operatives, instead of CCP — same as it always is/was on Reddit.

  • WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHistory repeats itself
    28 days ago

    That’s every “non-stick” pan after 1-2 months of daily use.

    All non-stick, “scratch resistant” pans are a marketing gimmick designed to have the average consumer-moron buy 30 pans in their lifetime, than simply learn how to season pans properly and hand 2 or 3 Iron/steel pans down their family lineage for generations, across hundreds of years.

  • If they agree that Trump/Republicans are fascist, ask them why they think it’s an acceptable risk to allow the government to construct the most pervasive and advanced surveillance state that has ever existed for fascism — a system so advanced it would make Himmler cream his pants — why build big brother so all they have to do is simply take over, turn a key, and use it against the world?

    If they’re insane and think Trump/Republicans are the good guys, repeat the above but swap out the perpetrator for liberals/trans/immigrants, or whatever “other” is the flavor of the week.

    If they’re not American, ask them what they think will happen if the world’s strongest ever superpower — a kleptocratic failed state, straddling the knifes edge of fascism — with a secret police who have backdoor access to the tracking device in their pocket, all their data, and all their historic communications — became a fascist dictatorship? … Point out how “woke” they are (sex before marriage, gay marriage, whatever) … and ask them how comfortable they would be if the tens of thousands of people working at the NSA/CIA were converted into fascist “troll farms”, and started using AI and analytics of all their personal data, to unilaterally wage a cyber war on everyone they deem “woke”? Do they think their government or military could defend them from a bad actor that has the ability to hack anyone on Earth… A bad actor who, if they want you out of the picture, just has to remote into your machine, download some child porn, and tip off the local police… Good luck trying to prove your innocence. You don’t even know what most of those words mean! You weren’t even aware that this was a possibility 30 seconds ago!