archomrade [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • One is mocking the belief of a group by portraying it as ridiculous, the other is a bigoted portrayal of a group as homicidal on the basis of their belief.

    The meme isn’t offensive toward ‘religious fruitcakes’ (the use of this word is kinda ironic but unrelated), it’s actively bigoted and Islamophobic. Socsa was presumably defending the meme by saying they enjoy offending all religions and not just islam, and I was pointing out that the post wasn’t simply offensive, it was bigoted.

    Edit: responding here because this post was removed on my home instance for Islamophobia.

    you’re still coming across to me as just saying “it’s never ok to criticize bad Islamic practices, it’s automatically bigotry.

    It isn’t a critique, it is portraying Muslims as fanatical murderers.

    I assume you find the practice of brutally murdering people for the act of drawing a picture of a fictional character to be bad. How would you phrase a legitimate criticism of the practice without being bigoted?

    In the same way that you would ‘critique’ Christianity, which justifies acts of terror such as bombing PFP clinics with Genesis 9:6, or Romans 13.

    Extremists in Christianity are not seen as representative of the faith, but they are for Islam.

  • It is the attribution of that extremism to being a part of ‘muhammad’s fanbase’ that is islamaphobic, not pointing to an example of the extremism itself.

    A member of a group committing murder and citing that group’s beliefs isn’t a justification for casually implying that members of that group are murderous, even if it’s true is the most limited sense of the word.

    Especially when that group is itself subject to extreme violence and genocide on the basis of their membership.

  • There is zero real world evidence of trans people being any more likely to be sexual predators, so the example you gave would be a bigoted statement predicated on a lie

    First: I’m not going to be linking to any evidence of this (equally bigoted) statement because I don’t want anyone here to be confused about the intent of the comparison. But it should go without saying that there are absolutely examples of trans individuals committing sexual assaults - just like how any other random sampling of people large enough will contain examples of any number of hideous crimes committed by those people.

    Second: The point isn’t that there are people who commit those crimes within that group, the problem comes from attributing those people to a quality or belief shared by an entire minority (in the western world) of people whose membership in that group makes them subject to violence, bigotry, and marginalization themselves.

    It isn’t criticism, it’s islamophobia, and has been used as the justification for all kinds of unspeakable violence committed against Muslims all across the world.

  • I don’t know what to tell you man, bigotry doesn’t have some kind of prerequisite precision of language that makes it so.

    If someone said ‘fanatical trans people will sexualize your children if you leave them alone together’, it would be pretty clear what the intent and effect of the statement was even though it doesn’t explicitly name all trans people as its subject. It’s crazy that it’s taking more than one comment for you to see the problem, even if you feel it isn’t a big deal.

    Just because you didn’t see the bigotry of the statement in its first reading doesn’t mean it isn’t there - if anything it just means you share the same bigoted perspective of the OP.