Martial law generally has legal mechanisms in place to provide some limitations to duration etc.
In other words, it would be an improvement over what is currently happening.
…where do you live that people DON’T have a dishwasher? Everyone house I’ve ever seen in MN has one.
I’ll be honest, Russia invading Israel would be a real, “Let them fight” moment.
Am I the only one who was mildly upset that they weren’t? Like shit, we somehow got to bio-transhumanism before techno-transhumanism, that’s rad. By all means, let’s research new ways of being transgender, I wanna see what people come up with next.
LLMs are incapable of helping. If he cannot find time to construct his own legal briefs, maybe he should use part of his money to hire an AGI (otherwise known as a human) to help him.
Actually that wild rice dish looks fine. Mirepoix, manoomin, cream of mushroom… bit of seasoning and it’s a nice hearty dish in the winter.
The chat built into my hospital’s charting software has the ‘thumbs up’ react so you can quickly and easily show that you’ve read it. So for me it just means ‘heard’, ‘roger’, etc.