No, but a “company” in China has far less autonomy from the government in China than one in the US. For some people, that can be stressful
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No, but a “company” in China has far less autonomy from the government in China than one in the US. For some people, that can be stressful
I dunno, wlxaa392a001f7d
has a nice ring to it
Updoot for moon reader
Yup. Your body is hardcore. Too hardcore for itself, even.
This too. And if you must use an antipyretic, supplement with external insulation or heat.
Because your body can (and sometimes does) overshoot the mark and kill things it isn’t intending to kill with heat. It also uses up your stored energy meaning you must eat more and more often.
Better to make your body stop overheating itself, and trap heat with coverings. If you get too hot, it can be modulated by reducing or adding cover. And external heat like a water bottle can bring temps up quickly, and keep you at raised temps safely.
There is also the discomfort from a fever as well. Too much discomfort will lead people to make possibly bad decisions. Pain management is always something to keep in mind.
At my age, I’d probably rather the onion rings.
Not me, that’s for damned sure.
I, for one, welcome our typography as flow control overlords.
Big fan of bash. Pretty sure it’s already installed for you.
I love it. You can’t see me because I can’t see you!
You need to make sure you buy them from different places, otherwise they might each solve the same problems!
For scale, I need to know how much is an “acceptable” amount…
This is where printf
debugging really shines, ironically.
For files, kebab case. For variables, snake case. For servers, megaman villains.
I wasn’t comparing badness or abuse, I was comparing autonomy. In the US they have the option to use the legal system to fight against things they don’t want to do. Usually ineffective, sure. But the option is there. Not so in China.